Umbilical Hernia is mostly common in premature babies. In this case, the fatty tissues or the intestinal portion usually projects outward around the naval area through an aperture, developing in the abdominal muscles. Umbilical hernia is even seen in adults. When infants cry, umbilical hernia can be observed with the naked eye as when the baby cries, the belly button of the baby is projected outwards.
However, though it is seen in infants and adults, it doesn’t cause too much harm or pain. A few ways to effectively reduce the problem are:
Natural Cures For Umbilical Hernia
Drinking lots of water is essential to cure all kinds of problems. Make sure you drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day.This will keep your sy stem clean and the problem of umbilical hernia can also be reduced.
Drinking water helps to improve the overall blood circulation. It also prevents constipation which may aggravate the problem of a umbilical hernia in adults. It also reduces the straining in the bowel movement which may also worsen the problem.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has lots of disease curing properties. Extracting and having aloe vera juice can also come in handy in reducing the problem of umbilical hernia.
You can make aloe vera juice and have one quarter cup of it daily in the morning and at night as well. Continue having the juice in mornings and at night on a regular basis if you feel that it is providing you with sufficient relief.
Also Read:
Effective Herbal Remedies For Umbilical Hernia
Top 12 Home Remedies For Hernia
Lean Meat
Meat is an essential source of protein, which is necessary for the improvement of tissues which may be damaged due to the cause of umbilical hernia.
Lean meat like poultry and fish is an excellent source of low fat protein. Have one nice source of low fat protein with every meal every day. You can also have it four times a week if not on a regular basis. It is one of the remedies to cure the problem of umbilical hernia naturally.
Berries are available throughout the year and are one of the best Natural Cures For Umbilical Hernia. Fresh fruits that consist of high content of fiber and which are very much rich in antioxidants should form an important part of your every day meal.
The high fiber content will make sure that you do not get constipated and the antioxidants will improve your immune system. Try to eat different kinds of fruits so as to get adequate amount of vitamins. Fruits especially berry and also apples are some of the essential fruits which help improve the problem of a umbilical hernia.
Fresh green vegetables such as broccoli and a few other vegetables like capsicum, spinach, cucumber etc have a high degree of fiber content that actually guard against the problems of umbilical hernia.
It also contains high levels of vitamins and minerals and should also be included with every meal. Eat lots of green vegetables as per seasonal availability everyday during meals to ensure that your body develops its immunity. It is one of the most important home remedies to prevent umbilical hernia.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.