Nowadays beautiful, attractive and smooth skin has become the most important requirement of everyone, irrespective of any gender, especially the females, because both the masculine and feminine genders have become beauty and looks conscious. Therefore, the presence of any unwanted pigments, discoloration and any other such forms, particularly moles seems very uncomfortable and embarrassing for many.
Though moles are usually not harmful, however, their presence on the skin – especially when they become dark and random – makes the disposition of a person having it embarrassing. The usual treatment for getting rid of moles is medical and it is a shave excision surgery, which is painful, costly and irritating for the patient. Therefore, whatever may be the reason for their growth and appearance on the skin; they can be treated effectively at home. There are many such home remedies available, like the ones given below, which if followed properly, would give exceptional results.
Effective Home Remedies For Mole Removal
Apply Olive Oil & Tea-Tree Oil Mixture
A perfect combination of olive oil and tea-tree oil if applied to the skin to get rid of moles or any other spots, would work wonders. Prepare a mixture of tea-tree oil and olive oil in 1:2 proportions in a small bottle, and then stir the mixture and shake it before using it. Take a small portion of this mixture and apply it on the affected area, and then leave it until it dries.
Do not wash with water or soap and let it dry by itself. When you feel like itching, irritation or notice redness, then you should wash off the applied lotion, or else leave it to dry. Store the unused mixture in a cool dry place.
Apply Apple-Cider Vinegar And Honey
Prepare a mixture of apple-cider vinegar and honey in 1:2 proportions in a small bottle by stirring the mixture gently and slowly. Gently apply the mixture on the affected area of the skin like face, and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, and then wash your face with cool water and mild soap. Repeat this process daily to get satisfactory outcome. Store the unused mixture in a dark cool place like refrigerator for a week.
Apply Garlic And Flax-Seeds Extract With Honey
To prepare a mixture of flaxseeds, garlic and honey, grind a tablespoonful of flaxseeds, and one tablespoonful of garlic, separately, and then transfer both to a container and add two tablespoonfuls honey. Gently apply the mixture on the affected area of the skin like face, and leave it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes, and then wash your face with cool water and mild soap.
Repeat this process daily to get satisfactory outcome. Store the unused mixture in a dark cool place like refrigerator and use it within 24 hours. Continue this process as long as you feel comfortable.
Apply Castor Oil
Castor oil is amazingly beneficial when it is topically applied on the mole or on the region of the skin where moles are more than usual. Castor oil can be applied either alone or with other agent like baking soda. To prepare an effective mixture, add one tablespoonful of baking soda with two tablespoonful of castor oil and mix gently, and then apply this mixture onto the mole and massage gently and leave it for 20 minutes.As usual, gently wash the area with cool water and mild cleanser and repeat this process daily for good results. And, you will get encouraging results after three to four weeks of treatment.
Apply Sliced Potato
This is the most simple and effective method of the lot. Potato contains many beneficial ingredients and enzymes that are really good for your skin. Make it a routine to apply potato slice on the affected region of your skin for three to four times in a day. This will ensure refreshing and rejuvenating skin by removing moles from it. Continue this for a few weeks to get better outcomes.
Apply Sour-Apple Juice
Sour- apple juice application on the moles on a regular basis makes them thin and they will vanish within a few weeks of application. All you have to do is extract the juice from sour apple and apply the juice with a cotton ball on the affected area, and then allow it to dry for 10 to 15 minutes. As usual, gently wash the area with cool plain water.
Apply Pineapple Slice
Apply fresh pineapple slices on the moles and wait for 20 to 30 minutes, and then wash your face with cool water, and ensure not to wash with soap. If you find it comfortable, you can continue it for a few weeks until your moles start to become thin and diminish. Similarly, you can also make a mixture of pineapple extract with sea salt in these proportions: one part pineapple slices with half part sea salt.
Use this mixture for topical application on the moles during any time of the day and use it within two to three days by storing it in a refrigerator. The mixture can be topically applied for 20 to 30 minutes as a paste on the affected region with gentle massage, and then washed off with water and mild cleanser.
Apply Banana Peel
Banana has been used as home remedy for many ailments since ancient times. Banana fruit has scientifically showed and proved its amazing health properties, and its peel is no exception to this. Therefore, apply banana peel by placing the inside of it on the moles of your skin three to four times in a day and continue this for three to four weeks to get rid of your irritating moles forever.
Apply Dandelion Root Extract
Topical application of dandelion root extract directly on the moles daily for a few weeks is a very effective home remedy to get rid of disheartening moles from your beautiful face.
Apply Grape Fruit Extract
Grape fruit has got amazing properties as it is used for the treatment of many ailments. It is also rich in many natural enzymes, antioxidants and antimicrobial agents. Regular topical application of grape fruit extract on the affected region of your face or skin ensures thinning and diminishing of moles and warts within a few weeks. This is one of the best home remedies for moles removal.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.