Canker sores are very painful mouth ulcers that can lead to intense pain. Irrespective of their size, they can create lots of troubles in the mouth. These small red bumps forms inside the mouth due to various reasons. The burning sensation of canker sores is very irritating. Reasons such as extra stress, low immunity, change in hormones can lead to canker sores. They are not contagious at all. There are lots of best known natural treatments, which can help to treat canker sores in a very effective manner.
The 10 Amazing Natural Treatments For Canker Sores Are As Given Below:
Rinsing With Warm Water
People suffering from canker sores must first rinse their mouth with warm water for better relief. A little salt should be added to the warm water for good results. This process can be repeated for 3 times a day in order to get relief from the pain. Salt in the warm water will help to bring out the fluid and thus help to heal faster.
Intake Of Yogurt
Yogurt contains good bacteria that can maintain good health inside the mouth. This in turn will help to increase the rate of healing in the mouth. Acidophilus in yogurt can be of great use as they are responsible for healing process.
Use Of Baking Soda
Baking soda is the best choice to handle canker sores in a very effective manner. It can be taken in the form of paste or as mouthwash. Take some amount of baking soda and add little water to make a paste of it. Apply the same paste directly on the canker sores. The bacteria content in the mouth will be reduced and thus the person will get relief from pain.
Use Of Honey
The soothing property of honey is the best option to try it for canker sores. Honey can help to release the extra pain from the sores. It will also help to slow down inflammation caused due to sores. Turmeric can be also be added for its antiseptic property. Take some honey and add turmeric powder to it for making it a paste. Apply this paste on the canker sores to get relief.
Use Of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has wonderful property that can be used to heal canker sores. The gel in aloe Vera contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It will thus help to get rid of canker sores in shortest possible time. Take out the gel from aloe Vera and apply it directly on the sores for better results. The gel can also be used to rinse the mouth to cure canker sores. Rinse your mouth with aloe Vera gel for 4 times a day.
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5 Remedies For Canker Sore
10 Remedies For Canker Sores
Use Of Onion
Onion is a very good option to treat canker sores without much expense. The medicinal properties of onion juice can help to avoid sores and cure it. Take some onion slices and keep it on the sores for few minutes. Then wash the mouth with some water. Try out this home remedy for positive results.
Coriander Leaves
Coriander leaves has medicinal property that can treat canker sores. Take some amount of coriander leaves and water in a bowl. Allow it to boil for some time. Make the solution lukewarm and use it to rinse the mouth. Apply this method for few times a day for best results.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil contains antibacterial and antiseptic compounds, which are very much required to heal canker sores. It will not only cure the sores, but will also reduce down the chance of getting canker sores in future. Take some tea tree oil in water and rinse your mouth. This process should be repeated for around 3 times a day.
Plum Juice
Plum juice is one of the best solutions to treat canker sores. Take some amount of plum juice and rinse mouth with it. It will help to cure the canker sores and provide relief from pain. Carry out this technique for 3-4 times a day in order to get best results.
Chamomile flowers are very good while curing canker sores in the mouth. It has antiseptic and antibacterial property to cure sores in mouth. Take some amount of chamomile flower and add water to it. Allow it to boil for few minutes and sip the tea made from it. It is very much effective to reduce sores and inflammation caused due to it.
Above mentioned are some of the natural treatments for the elimination of canker sores.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.