Cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells of a particular tissue or an organ in the body. It is one of the leading causes of death in the world. There are several causes for its occurrence such as chemical, radiation, mutation, diet, habits, etc. Diet has imposed its effect majorly on colon, prostate and breast cancer. Colon cancer initially develops in the intestine and then metastasizes to the other organs of the body Some of the symptoms of a colon cancer are stomach pain, difficulty in defecation, blood in stools, weight loss, anemia. However, if the condition gets detected in an early stage then there are some ways to manage it through simple home remedies such as
1. Green Leafy Vegetables
It is known that the green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, parsley, cabbage are all known to contain high amounts of folic acid. Folic acid, a member of Vitamin B, delays the effect of oncogenes (cancer causing genes) in the body. It helps in promoting the DNA repair and ensures that the inflammatory changes which turn a normal cell to a cancer cell are controlled.
2. Garlic
Garlic is an anti-bacterial agent which prevents the cell proliferation and inhibits the cancer causing substances in the body. It is proven that consuming garlic, regularly controls the risk of cancer and also manages the spread in patients diagnosed with colon cancer. Consume 3-4 cloves of garlic regularly. Another way is to prepare a juice out of them and consume it daily.
3. Olive Oil
Olive oil contains phenols which are known to possess anti-cancer properties. It reduces the production of bile juice in the body and improves the healthy turnover of the lining of the colon. Add olive oil in the diet regularly to control the spread of colon cancer.
4. Ginger
It has been studied that gingerols, paradols, and shagaols, present in ginger, are anti-carcinogenic compounds. Further, the daily consumption of ginger is helpful in killing the cancer cells in the body. It is recommended that a normal adult should consume 2-3 grams of ginger daily to control the colon cancer. It can also be processed to extract its juice. Consume it along with some honey.
5. Green Tea
Green tea is a source of anti-oxidants and thereby helps to counteract the harmful effects of free radicals, in the body. It is also a rich source of polyphenols. All this helps reduce the inflammation of the colon lining and also controls the proliferation of the cancer cells. Boil a cup of water and add a few green tea leaves to it. Allow the leaves to steep for some time. Strain the mixture and drink it daily, 2 times.
6. Foods Rich In Vitamin C
Fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C, such as guava, kiwi, berries, spinach, cauliflower, mustard, sprouts are potent and effective anti-oxidants in the body. They help in neutralizing the effect of harmful free radicals in the body. Such foods promote the healthy functioning of the body and inhibits any change that can turn a normal gene into a cancer causing gene.
7. Fibrous Foods
It is studied that the fibrous foods, which help improve the gastric peristalsis in the body. This makes easy for the toxic substances to get eliminated via stools and prevents constipation. It is advised to consume more foods rich in fiber so as to keep the gastrointestinal tract clean and healthy. Some of the examples are broccoli, peas, beans, carrots, flentils, etc.
8. Milk And Milk Products
Milk and its products such as cheese, paneer, yoghurt, butter are all a rich source of Calcium. Calcium mineral is known to control the rate of cell division in the body and also destroys the activity of cancerous cells in the body. It can also help to provide relief against the irritating substances of the digestive tract. It is advised to increase the consumption of milk and milk products regularly to obtain the best results.
9. Flax Seed
Flax seeds obtained from the flax plant are a rich source of lignan, omega 3 fatty acids, phyotnutrients, etc. All these components help in cleansing the colon from the unwanted harmful chemicals from the digestive tract. It also helps reduce the inflammation of the colon. It is advised that the patients should consume flax seeds regularly to manage colon cancer.
10. Turmeric
Turmeric has since ages been used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-septic agent. The ingredient, curcumin found in turmeric helps flush out the harmful bacteria and toxins from the digestive tract and helps to keep it clean. It is advised to regularly intake the turmeric powder in the daily diet to control the colon cancer.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.