Tingling sensation is a type of sensation that can be experienced in both legs and hands. This particular type of sensation can take place at any point of time. The person who is suffering from this problem experiences certain types of sensation along with numbness in the legs and hands. There can be various types of reasons behind the same such as pressure of other body parts on the affected body part, awkward postures and inactivity for few minutes. All these reasons lead to such kinds of results and proper care and attention should be taken for it. This is a temporary type of situation that can be cured by applying various types of remedies. Home remedies can be helpful in this case as they can be practiced at home and they do not possess any sort of side effects.
Hot compress is a very old and perfect type of remedy to deal with tingling sensation problem. Simply apply the required amount of heat on the hand or the leg. You can use the hot water bag and pour some hot water to it. Now apply the bag on the body part and keep it for some time. It will help to get best results. Try to change the position of the hot bag at regular intervals.
Oil massage is going to help to get cure from the problem of tingling sensation. Take some best type of oil such as coconut oil or mustard oil and then massage the entire leg or hand with this oil. This will help to enhance the flow of blood in that part of the body and will then avoid the issue.
Turmeric can be used due to its high medicinal properties. The best types of properties of turmeric will help to get rid of the sensation and cure it properly. The anti-inflammatory properties will avoid the inflammation. Turmeric powder can be made in the form of paste and applied on the legs and hands. It is very perfect solution to this problem.
Banana shake can be used to cure the problem of tingling sensation. Simply take some banana and blend it properly in a blender. You can also add few dry fruits such as almonds to prepare a high quality banana shake. It will provide good energy and reduce the chance of numbness in hand and legs.
Drinking sufficient amount of water can also cure the problem without any issues. It is mostly seen that the presence of any toxic substance in the body can also results in the formation of tingling sensation. You can drink sufficient water in regular intervals and extract the best benefits from it. Juice and water can really help to provide best results.
Green tea can also help in the process of getting relief from tingling sensation problem. It will help in the process of providing antioxidants to the body and will thus help to eradicate the problem. Prepare some fresh green tea and consume it on regular basis to extract the benefits. It will also help in proper circulation of blood in the body.
Yogurt can be used to cure the problem of tingling sensation. Use yogurt on regular basis in your salads. This will help to provide the best vitamins and minerals that can help to cure the problem of tingling sensation. You can mix salt to the yogurt and then consume it regularly.
Cinnamon is used as spices in food items. People who are suffering from the issue of tingling sensation should take care to use cinnamon in various methods to get rid of the problem. It mainly contains potassium along with manganese to enhance the rate of flow of blood in the entire body. You can also add honey to it or can consume as it is.
Epsom salt is a best type of salt that can be used to deal with tingling sensation problem. This salt has best properties that can release the feeling of numb and help in proper circulation of blood. Add some of these Epsom salt in the water and soak the particular body part in this water for some time. You will surely get relief from the numbing feeling.
Spinach is also used due to the presence of huge amount of magnesium. Presence of magnesium will help to improve the blood circulation in the body and all body parts. Consumption of spinach in salads will add direct magnesium to the body and help to stay healthy and fit.
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