Best objectives are always performed with maximum interest and continuous efforts. People who are willing to grow their hair faster must select the genuine remedies that can guarantee for best results. Women are mostly very serious for their hairs and pay much attention to it. There are various types of methods to maintain hair and help them to grow faster. Natural process should always be applied in order to get best results. Home remedies that are generally used to treat various kinds of health issues can be utilized to maintain hair and make them grow faster. These natural ways can be done at home and results can be seen within few days.
Onion juice is the master remedy for healthy and growing hair. It mainly contains sulfur that is effective for the tissues. Application of onion juice will promote collagen production and thus helps in proper growth of hair. Onions can be applied by various methods. Slice the onion and extract the juice from it. Apply the juice on the scalp and wait for 20 minutes. Wash it mild shampoo.
Apple cider vinegar is an ultimate kind of solution to get rid of various problems. It can help promote proper hair growth in short span of time. It will mainly help to clean the scalp and regulate the pH of the skin. This in turn will improve hair growth. Add some vinegar to water and mix it properly. Use this solution to properly rinse the hair.
Egg white is of great use as it has rich source of various ingredients that are required for proper growth of hair. High level of proteins will help to form new hair on the scalp. Other valuable contents of egg white are phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, iodine and iron. Mix some honey and olive oil to white part of egg and mix it properly. Apply it properly on the scalp and then wash it after 25 minutes.
Fenugreek seeds are very common kind of home remedies for promoting the growth of hair. Soak some of these fenugreek seeds in water for few hours. Make paste of these water soaked seeds and mix some coconut milk into it. Apply it on the entire scalp and dry it for 30 minutes. Wash it with mild shampoo to clear all the solution from the scalp.
Potato juice is of great use while helping proper growth of hair. Potato contains best kind of properties to take care of the hair and scalp. It is very much rich in vitamin B, C and A. all these are very much necessary for proper growth of hair. Apply some freshly squeezed potato juice on the scalp and allow it to dry for a period of 20 minutes. Wash it with mild shampoo.
Cayenne pepper is well known for its hot properties. The spicy nature of pepper will help in enhancing blood circulation. Capsaicin present in cayenne pepper will help the nerves to become active and increase the flow of blood. Take some olive oil and add it to some cayenne pepper powder. Make paste of it and apply it on the scalp. Wait for some time and then wash it with cool water.
Coconut milk is a very well known drink to take care of entire health. It can perfectly help to grow the hair at a faster rate. This milk is very much rich in potassium, iron as well as other essential fats. Extract some pure coconut milk and apply it on the entire scalp. Allow it to stay for overnight and then clean it with water.
Green tea contains rich source of antioxidants that can be used to provide better effects to the scalp and hair. It will perfectly help to boost the growth of hair. Prepare some hot green tea and allow it to become slightly warm. Apply this tea on the scalp and hair. Wait for some time till it becomes dry. Wash it with cold water to remove the residues.
Indian gooseberry is always used for black and healthy hair. It has rich source of antioxidants as well as vitamin C that will take care of hair. It will help in proper pigmentation. Take some Indian gooseberry powder and its pure juice along with lemon juice. Mix it properly and apply it on the scalp. Allow it to dry and then wash it with warm water.
Cumin seeds contains vitamins and other packed nutrients for better hair. Soak some of these cumin seeds in castor or olive oil. Apply the same oil along with seeds on the scalp. Make sure to wash the scalp with mild shampoo. Repeat this method for best results.
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