White spots or vitiligo can appear on any part of the body such as face, arms, feet, etc. Inadequate production of melanin by the cells and damaged skin cells might cause white patches and make you look unattractive. Though you would need to visit the physician to treat the underlying causes of the condition, there are a few natural remedies, which are very effective. Continue reading to get an idea about such effective remedies.
To clear out white patches mix a little turmeric with some mustard oil to make a paste. Spread this paste on the skin with white spots twice daily. The antiseptic properties and repigmentation effects of turmeric help cure vitiligo fast.
Take a few radish leaves and grind them to make a paste. Add a little apple cider vinegar to the paste and refrigerate it all night. Apply this cool paste on white spots next morning and allow it to dry for about three hours. Rinse it using warm water to treat white skin spots. Regular application of this paste for 2 weeks will yield enviable results.
Honey has amazing effects on skin. You can mix two teaspoons turmeric, one-teaspoon sandalwood powder and two teaspoons honey in a bowl to make a paste. Smear this paste on the regions with white spots and allow it dry for 15 minutes. Rinse using warm water to make your skin look young and flawless.
Ginger is the best remedy for treating white spots. Mix some lemon juice with ginger concoction and drink it twice daily to reduce white spots. You can also smear a thick ginger paste over the skin with white spots or simply rub the white spots using a tiny piece of ginger.
This is a magnificent remedy for almost all skin ailments. Hence, it is one of the best cures for white spots too. Combine two tablespoons of neem juice with some honey and drink it thrice daily. You can see great improvement in skin repigmentation and reduction of white spots.
Cabbage leaves have been traditionally used to treat white spots. Apply ground cabbage leaf extract on white spots and allow it dry for 10 minutes prior to rinsing. You can even boil 2 to 3 cabbage leaves with water and use the strained solution as a skin rinse once it cools down. Cabbage leaves not only lessens white spots, but also checks it recurrence.
Walnuts are loaded with nutrients that support skin health. Pulverize a few walnuts to make coarse powder and add some water to form a thick paste. Spread this paste on white spots and clean it off using warm water after 20 minutes. Apply this paste twice or thrice every day for about two weeks to note visible difference.
Make a fine paste of basil. Apply this directly on the spots or alternatively boil the leaves in water with turmeric and use the cooled water on the affected regions for better results. This is the best antiseptic and anti-fungal remedy.
Copper boosts our immune system. Keep water in a copper vessel overnight and drink this water the next day morning. The water is infused with ions of copper. This will help in producing melanin in our body thereby decreasing the white spots.
This is another natural remedy to reduce white spots. Boil the Mama Cadela roots in water for 10 to 15 minutes. Bring the boiled mixture to room temperature. Apply the liquid on the affected regions to reduce the spots.
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