Since times immemorial the human race has been searching for the magic potion that can reverse aging. The truth is that so far no such magic potion has been discovered that can prevent aging or reverse the process of aging. However, it is possible to delay the symptoms of aging using herbs that work like magic!
In this article we will look at 11 herbs that can help transform your life if you include them in your diet or as supplements. These herbs not only work on the physical changes that aging brings about but also on the internal changes that the body undergoes as it ages. So say no to Botox and surgery and yes to the herbs. These herbs are absolutely safe to use and have no side effects.
Herbs That Delay Aging
Bilberry is quite a popular herb that is used extensively because it has abundance of anti-oxidants in it. The herb is used in ayurvedic medicine to treat various conditions associated with aging including eye related problems.
Garlic is a herb that is widely used in cooking. The herb has antibacterial as well as antifungal properties. These make garlic an ideal companion of old age because as the body ages, the immune system slows down resulting in various infections. The antioxidant properties of garlic help fight the infection causing microorganisms keeping the body strong and healthy. Garlic is also excellent for treating high blood sugar level as well as lowering cholesterol.
Gotu Kola
The scientific name for Gotu Kola is Centellaa asiatica. As the name suggests, the herb is a native of Asia, primarily India. The herb aids in boosting memory power and the immune system. A string immune system helps us live longer. Gotu Kola is available in powder form. Drinking 3-4 cups of Gotu kola herbal tea is recommended once a person turns 40.
Also referred to as Panax ginseng, this herb is mainly found in China where it is used extensively. In fact Chinese believe this herb to be the fountain of youth and use it thus. The herb has healing properties that help keep the skin firm and young.
Drinking a concoction of this herb tones the muscles. Toned muscles make it easier to perform in bed. The herb is also known t improve digestion thus keeping away the unwanted fat that tends to accumulate around the abdomen as one ages.
Milk Thistle
Consuming milk thistle has direct effect on the liver. We all know that liver works as a one man army; it is entirely responsible for more than five hundred functions in the body. The main functions of the liver are processing the toxins present in the body and then removing the bad toxins from the body by way of filtration.
Performing so many functions can stress out the liver. Milk thistle releases the chemical Silymaarin which is very helpful in de-stressing the liver and keeping it healthy. The chemical also helps in cell regeneration of the liver thus helping recover the liver from any damage. Studies have shown that 140-150mg of Silymarin daily is ideal for protecting the liver.
Ginkgo is also popularly known as Ginkgo Biloba. Since centuries herbalists have known that Ginkgo helps maintain an easy and regular supply of blood to the brain. It is the brain that tends to suffer maximum damage during aging.
The herb is widely used these days to treat brain related conditions like Alzheimer’s as well as dementia. Taking 100-200mg of ginkgo extracts daily are known to protect the brain from de-generating during old age.
Horsetail is one herb that has been exploited over the years for its vast resources the mineral silicon. This is one mineral that is known to decrease in quantity within the body as it ages. Silicon is important to maintain the health of cartilage and connective tissues. The herb is available in tea form and one should have at least two cups of the tea daily to keep the connective tissues strong and healthy.
Like garlic, turmeric is another herb that is popularly used in cooking. No Indian curry is complete without a teaspoon of turmeric in it. The medicinal properties of turmeric have been established ages ago. The herb is used for its healing powers. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that make it ideal for fighting infections of any kind. Drinking warm milk with a teaspoon of turmeric powder in it is known to boost immunity.
Peppermint extract is used in salads, soups and curries to enhance the flavor of these foods. However, peppermint is also used in cooking because it helps in better digestion of food. Drinking peppermint water is known to help with gas and bloating caused after a heavy meal.
Recent studies have shown that peppermint is also helpful in preventing various conditions like cancer and some heart related issues. The herb also prevents many age-related complications as well. The herb is available in tea form and it is recommended that one cup of peppermint tea should be had after every meal.
Sage is an Italian herb and is popular used in Italian cooking as it adds a particular flavor to the dishes. However, consumption of sage is also helpful in protecting the cells from inflammation. One of main causes of skin aging is the inflammation of the cells.
This inflammation leads to faster aging. Adding sage to your meals will help fight inflammation and consequently aging. Daily intake of the herb will delay and prevent conditions like arthritis, asthma and blockage of arteries.
Basil is also an Italian herb that is used mainly in the cooking of various meat-based dishes. However, along with adding taste to a dish, basil also helps fight aging by keeping the body healthy and young. The herb has antioxidant properties that fight the free radicals present in the body and in the environment. These radicals are responsible for aging. By consuming basil every day you will protect your body from conditions like cancer and heart attacks.