The chronic problem affecting the respiratory system which is very common in people is chest congestion. It is a condition whereby the flow of the oxygen to the lungs is obstructed. The mucus or fluids that build up around the lungs cause chest congestion. The causes of such a condition are common cold (the worst enemy), heart diseases, infections, cough, respiratory infections, deposit of fluids in the lungs, cancer (lung), airborne diseases, asthma, TB, sinusitis and so on. The symptoms of chest congestion are coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, difficulty in swallowing, dizziness, tightened chest, runny nose, loud noise while breathing and so on.
The commonest remedy that has been used since ages for the problem of congestion is gargling with salt water. This helps in removal of the mucus from the respiratory tube. Take a glass of boiling water. To this, add 1 to 2 spoon of salt and a pinch of turmeric powder. Use this to gargle. Repeat till the problem is solved.
Anything hot going down through the neck helps dissolve the thick phlegm. Instead of drinking normal or cold water when thirsty drink hot water. Alternatively you may also keep a hot water bag over the chest. This also dissolves if not at least loosens the phlegm.
A combination of pepper and honey helps in diluting the phlegm which makes the phlegm removal process easier. Honey contains antiseptic properties which help in reduction of infections. Take a spoon of honey and to that add about half a teaspoon of pepper. Make a paste and swallow it. Repeat at least twice a day till the problem is solved.
Onion contains quercetin and sulphur which help in breaking down the mucus and relieve your from congestion. Consume a few small pieces of raw onion as it is. Or may stir fry it a little and consumed. Properly chew the onion while consuming. It should be consumed at night so that till morning the congestion is cleared to some extent. This is one of the most effective remedies.
Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which help in suppressing the cough. Take a glass of hot water and add honey to it. Drink the solution ad frequently as possible this will help to clear the problem. Alternatively you can mix hot water, honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. This helps to loosen the congestion.
Vinegar has many ailment treating properties. It also helps in reducing the congestion in chest. Boil some vinegar. Use this to inhale. Its vapour is the remedy to the problem of such chest congestions.
Ginger also contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It helps in reduction of the inflammation in the respiratory tract. It helps with the cough caused due to cold. You can add ginger to your normal tea and consume it. Or you can make powder out of the ginger and add the powder to honey. This clears the infection as well as the congestion.
Lack of immunity is one of the reasons for chest congestion as it invites various diseases. Lemon is rich in vitamin C which improves your immunity and helps to fight various illnesses. Also lemon being acidic in nature, this property of lemon helps in reducing the thickness of the mucus. Drink a solution made by mixing lemon and salt to hot water daily at least thrice for cure.
Black coffee is one of the best remedies for cough. It also helps to control the shortness of breath caused due to asthma. Drink at least one cup of black coffee daily for relief from the problem. However, beware that excess of caffeine can damage your health by increasing your blood pressure.
One of the causes of chest congestion is through the contraction of a disease. So in order to avoid this you require a strong immune system. For this the body requires the necessary nutrients which are derived from a balanced diet. Avoid dairy products when you have chest congestion. Opt for warm food and drinks instead of the cold ones.
Practice pranayama regularly if you tend to attract such condition of chest congestion frequently. This is a two way gain process wherein you can improve your breathing and also the lung capacity. If you are a habitual smoker stop the practice right away.
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