Stinging nettle, the plant with hairy stem and leaves and irritating chemicals, which cause pain and rashes when touched is actually a wonderful medicinal plant. It is packed with health supporting nutrients, which makes it a fantastic spring tonic. It has been used as a natural diuretic, pain reliever, liver tonic, blood purifier, etc. To know more about the herb’s beneficial effects, read on.
Nettle contains important alkaline minerals such as iron and silicon, which help restore the pH of the body and eliminate toxins out of the system. It dissolves acidic waste in the blood and flushes it out of the system with the help of kidneys.
Consuming nettle tea increases the production of urine and improves the functions of kidneys. This property of the herb helps cure many problems such as urinary tract infection, kidney stones, fluid retention, etc. The anti-lithic properties of the herb also break down the kidney stones and wash them out of the bladder.
The anti-inflammatory effects of the herb are very much useful to treat inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, feet neuritis, urinary tract inflammation, etc. The anti-inflammatory compounds found in nettle suppress the cytokines that contribute to inflammation and act as an analgesic. It reduces uric acid levels and hence good for gout and arthritis.
Nettle helps strengthen and nourish the womb and hence beneficial for pregnant women. It helps increase milk production in nursing women. It is an age old herbal tonic for fibroids and menstrual problems.
Since olden days, nettle has been an effective remedy to treat allergic symptoms. It has been successfully used to treat allergic rhinitis, hay fever, hives, sneezing, allergic asthma, etc. The herb contains anti-histamine properties.
If you are tired of trying various treatments for dandruff and desperately looking for something that would work out, then nettle is the answer for this problem. Warm coconut oil along with nettle leaves for some time. Apply this oil onto your scalp and leave it the whole night. Wash it in the morning to get noticeable results.
Nettle leaf extract is a superb skin tonic. Application of this extract on the skin will reduce oiliness, and cleanses the skin. It will treat acne and lighten dark spots. It will also reduce skin dryness and leave the skin blemish free.
Due to its astringent properties, the herb is an excellent cure for various skin diseases such as eczema, chicken pox and insect bites. The oil concoction or herbal extract can be used topically to cure eczema.
Stinging nettle is one of the oldest remedies used for treating hair loss. The herbal tea or capsules can be consumed internally and a good massage of nettle oil externally will help combat the hair loss.
Stinging Nettle is widely used to treat prostate related diseases. The herb is quite effective in reducing the size and treating the ailment in the early stages when you just notice the symptoms. It prevents cell division and growth in the area and improves prostate health.
The anti-bacterial property of stinging nettle helps in preventing gingivitis and various other gum diseases. Rinse your mouth with the herbal water regularly.
The herb works as a stimulant and increases libido. Therefore, it is used to improve sex drive. The testosterone level increases and is retained in the body for a long period.
Stinging nettle has styptic property. Hence, it is used to treat ailments with internal bleeding such as hemorrhoids, stomach and lung bleeding, vaginal bleeding, bleeding piles and excessive menstruation.
Due to its high iron content, nettle leaf is an effective blood builder. Consuming nettle soup regularly will help treat anemia and purifies blood. It also lowers sugar levels in the blood.
Nettle tea is an effective cure to treat throat and mouth infections. Gargle your mouth with the herbal tea to clear the infection.
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