Babies are soft and need extra care. When adults feel it difficult to fight against diseases, one can imagine the condition of small babies who cannot take care of themselves. Especially, a mother cannot see her beloved baby suffering from severe problems.
Babies and small children can encounter a number of diseases like colic, rashes, insomnia, fever, flu, cold etc. To cure and to take prevention, a number of herbal remedies and natural resources can be used for the soft and dearest babies.
16 Herbal Remedies For Babies
Herbal tea is good for babies suffering from gastric distress and colic. It is prepared from roots, stems, flowers, leaves etc. of plants. Chamomile and funnel tea is recommended by doctors for cases of gas and colic. These teas help in reducing crying time in infants who are colicky. Actually, Chamomile tea relaxes the intestinal muscles and keeps his or her calm.Soak one herb or combination of both herbs in hot water. Then cool it for a while for water to be lukewarm and serve it to the baby as 1 ounce 3-4 times per day. Teas, Chamomile and teething tablet can be used for 1 month old baby.
Lemon Balm
Also known as Melissa officinalis, lemon balm is very effective for babies. Tea made of lemon balm is great to use in case of cold, fever etc. Actually it acts as a tranquilizer and is good for digestive system. It helps in reducing anxiety, restlessness and insomnia.
Since it is gentle, it is preferred for children. It is usually used in combination with Valerian root and fragrance from a potpourri of Lemon balm leaves can help the babies to sleep properly.
Lavender has sedative properties and can be added in child’s bath water. It can be used in pillows that spread an aroma in the surrounding, helpful for the baby to sleep and get relaxed. 1 or 2 drops of lavender oil can be used as antiseptic in case of ear infection. Another way is to apply lavender essential oil on the baby’s skin that is helpful for curing skin problems.
Catnip tea is very helpful for infectious diseases in children. It is also known as Nepeta cataria. It can be used in case the baby is affected from cold, measles or flue. Also, it can be used as sleep inducer as it soothes the nervous system and help the baby to sleep.
Fennel is used for babies suffering from colic. It is a traditional remedy that can be used to reduce symptoms of colic. It actually relaxes the gastrointestinal tract by reducing the gas. 1 teaspoon of tea prepared from funnel seeds, before and after feeding, can be given to the babies or the feeding mother can consume it as 1 cup of tea for 3-6 times in a day.
Dill Seed Â
For babies less than 9 months old, dill seed can be used in case the baby is suffering from colic or stomach pain. Take a teaspoonful of water and crush 10-15 gm of dill seeds. Mix few drops of Mother’s milk and administered to the baby.
Chebulic MyrobalanÂ
It is used for constipation. Rub the seeds with some water, make a paste and give it to the baby every day after bath.
It is a very effective in case of earache. Actually, the herb contains large polysaccharide molecules in the presence of which white blood cells of babies activate and ultimately immune system gets stronger. It is administered to the babies either in tincture form or an extract.Other herbs include Anise seed, Cumin seed, Peppermint Caraway seed, Vervain and Spearmint.
Probiotics are helpful for strengthening baby’s immune system. These are especially beneficial in diseases like eczema, diarrhoea and colic. According to the doctors, probiotics should be accompanied with antibiotics to control antibiotic related diarrhoea that may cause dehydration. 5-10 billion CFUs of powered probiotics is effective.
Castor OilÂ
Castor oil can be helpful to the babies suffering from constipation. Mix few drops of castor oil with few drops of water or mother’s milk. The doses vary according to the age of the child and should be given daily.
Clove OilÂ
Clove oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used if the baby is suffering from teething pain. One drop of clove oil with 1-2 tablespoons of almond oil or other edible oil can be massaged on baby’s gums. Try to test on yourself first and then administer to the baby as some oils are very strong and cause irritation on the baby’s gums.
Ginger has healing effect. Add a teaspoon of ginger to 4 ounces of water and soak it for 4-5 minutes. Honey can be added for taste. When it gets cold, let the baby drink it. It should be used for babies of 2 years or older than that.
Cayenne Pepper Â
It is helpful in case of nose bleeding. The cayenne pepper can be spread over cotton swab which can be dabbed inside the baby’s nose where it is bleeding. Keep the baby’s nose pinched when using the cotton swab.
We often use cucumber pieces for soothing our eyes as these are considered to reduce black areas around our eyes. Place a small piece of cucumber on the baby’s swallowed area and it would give a soothing effect.
Honey has a soothing effect. It can be used along with lemon juice. Lemon dries up congestion in babies. Take 1 tablespoon each of honey and lemon juice, warm it for 20 seconds in a microwave oven. Don’t make it hot. Serve a teaspoon to the baby once a day. Note that honey should not be given to a child of below 1 year of age.
Other Treatments Â
Baking soda stops itching problems in babies. Since it is alkaline in nature, it counteracts the acidic nature of swelling. A teaspoon of baking soda can be mixed with water to make a paste and then let it dry.Junk Drawer is fabric tape can be used to inhibit the growth of warts. It can be smoothly placed on the baby’s warts and can be changed when required.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.