Our body is exposed to toxins internally as well as externally. These toxins if not eliminated timely from the body can cause serious health issues. Therefore it becomes very important to get rid of toxins and cleanse the body. The use of herbal infusions is the most remarkable way to cleanse and detox the body of harmful toxins like fats build up in tissues, excessive minerals, heavy metals and pollutants.
Learn About The Best Herbal Infusions To Cleanse Your Body Completely And Naturally:
1. Lungs Cleansing Infusion
This herbal lung cleansing tea helps in relieving cold, bronchitis and other respiratory congestion. It helps by removing excessive lungs mucus and also soothes your irritated bronchial passages. The three vital herbs used here are mullein flowers, licorice root (optional) and peppermint. Take 3 cups of water and to this add 1 tbsp of licorice root and simmer for about 10 minutes. Following this add 1 tbsp each of mullein flower and peppermint and simmer again for another 10 minutes. Strain and your herbal infusion to cleanse the lungs is ready.
2. Kidney Cleansing Infusion
Kidneys have a vital function to pump out urine and eliminate metabolic waste from the body. The herbal infusion described below cleanses your kidneys and also nourishes your urinary tract. It also aids in preventing urinary tract infections. To prepare this you will need 2 tbsp of dried dandelion leaves, 1 tbsp dried parsley, 1 tsp dried red clover blossoms and honey.
Mix all the herbs and put them in 1 litre glass jar. Pour boiling water into the jar. Steep for 8-10 minutes and then strain. Drink at least 2-3 hot cups of this prepared infusion every day. This herbal infusion for kidney cleansing may taste bitter, so you can add some honey and drink it. Avoid taking this infusion during pregnancy or while breast-feeding.
3. Liver Cleansing Infusion
The function of the liver is to aid the removal of metabolic waste and toxins from the body. The seeds of milk thistle work as a powerful cleanser for the liver. They are rich in phytochemicals that improve the secretion of bile from gall bladder and liver. Take 1 tbsp of seeds of milk thistle and crush them into powder form using mortar and pestle. Add boiling water onto the crushed seeds. Steep this liquid for 20 minutes, strain and discard the seeds. Drink this thrice daily, twice before taking your meals and once just before going to bed.
4. Colon Cleansing Infusion
Colon is a part of your digestive system that eliminates toxins through bowel movements. This colon cleansing herbal infusion stimulates your digestive system and also encourages bowel movements. The herbal ingredients include 2 parts each of dandelion leaves and nettle leaves, 1 part of yellow dock root, 1 inch ginger that is chopped, 1 tbsp of dried licorice root and honey. Chop all the fresh herbs and add ginger, licorice root and yellow dock root. Put all the herbs in a pot. Boil about 1 litres of water and add the boiling water to the pot. Cover the pot with a lid and steep for about 20 minutes. Strain the liquid and your herbal infusion for colon cleansing is ready. Drink 3-5 hot cups every day for not more than 3 days.
This infusion can taste bitter, so you can add some honey. It is extremely important to cleanse these vital organs in the body that are continually engaged in removing toxins from the body. These herbal infusions help to cleanse and stimulate these organs. These herbal infusions provide all the necessary nutrients to cleanse the system and nourish your body simultaneously. Following these will ensure a healthy well-being and maintain good health of your body and functioning organs. Therefore indulge in these natural infusions regularly and stay fit.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.