You got a wonderful hairstylist, like to get the latest cut. But how do you do justice to this very special look of yours, constantly ruined with hair turning greasy and oily just a few hours after you have treated yourself with a hair wash.
This is irritating no ends, shampooing a little before you have to go for a special occasion when you have other things to sort out.Try some of the herbal remedies which you can use as a rinse to maintain that coveted look. These herbs will let your remain oil free for a longer duration than they would have otherwise.
Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Oily Scalp
Use Nettle
Nettle leaves and root, both are useful to decrease your scalp and hair. You can prepare your own nettle rinse at home. Buy nettle leaves and roots from a health store. Soak 5 tbsp of this herb in half a liter of water for at least 5 to 6 hours.
Strain and use this liquid for final rinse after you have washed your hair. It is a n effective agent to remove oil from the scalp and is effective for a long time. Nettle is also good for hair roots and hair growth.
Use Lemon
The acidity of lemon washes off the oil from the scalp completely. It is a great rinsing agent with a wonderful lingering smell. The number of lemons used depends upon the volume of your hair.
Usually two lemons should be enough. You can dilute this juice in 4 to 5 parts of water and work through your hair, rubbing your scalp gently with finger tips. After this rinse again with water.
Use Aloe Vera
You can add aloe gel to your shampoo to make it gentle on your scalp and also to remove traces of oil. Adding juice of one lemon is also a good idea.
Take 2 to 3 tbsp fresh gel from your aloe plant and crush it fine to make a smooth paste. Mix it well with your shampoo and wash as usual. Aloe has the property of removing oil and giving dry texture to your scalp and hair.
Use Burdock Root
This herb is a favored herb of the Russian women for all kinds of issues related to hair. It can be used a as a rinse. To make a rinsing extract use 2 tbsp of burdock root powder and soak it in a glass of water for 5 to 6 hours. The powder of burdock root should be ground fresh, otherwise it loses its effect.
Strain this liquid and use it to massage your hair with it after washing your hair. You can buy its tincture and use it to massage the scalp at least thrice a week four for a couple of months. Your oily scalp may respond positively.
Birch extract or tincture can be used to get rid of the oil from scalp. Cultures across the world, wherever birch trees grows have been using its leaves for healthy hair. The best way to use birch for oily scalp is to take about 40 leaves and boil them in 2 liters of water for 5 to 10 minutes.
Use this liquid to get rid of oily scalp.You can use its tincture which is available in most health stores. Massage your scalp with a few drops of this tincture. Do this thrice a week for a couple of months.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.