Every body wants to be a proud owner of beautiful and healthy hair. For this you need to take care of your hair in a regular basis. Artificial hair products contain harmful chemicals in it which can cause damage to your hair. To take care of your hair in a proper way you will need home made hair masks. Home made hair masks are made with natural ingredients, thus they are not harmful for your hair. More over maximum ingredients are available in your kitchen for preparing home made hair mask, which does not cost so much.
Hair Mask For Soft And Beautiful Hair:
Many of us have a very dry hair which lacks moisture. The hair looks extremely dry and brittle. Try this amazing home made hair mask which gives you soft hair with minimum effort. Take one or two ripe banana according to the length and volume of your hair. Mash the banana in to pulp. Now mix 4 table spoon of pure honey and 2 table spoon of virgin coconut oil with it. Mix it thoroughly to prepare the mask. Now apply it on your scalp and in the whole hair with your hand or with any hair brush. Leave it on your hair for half an hour. Rinse your hair with plenty of water. Regular use of this superb hair mask effectively reduces dryness of your hair. Use it twice a week for best results.
Home Made Protein Hair Mask:
A beautiful and healthy hair needs proper nutrition. Protein is the basic ingredient of hair. So if you need a healthy hair you should use a home made protein hair mask on your hair. Take one or two egg according to the volume of your hair. Break them and beat it. Add ¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil with it and mix. Apply this hair mask in your hair for 45 minutes. Then rinse it with water. To remove the egg smell you can use any baby shampoo to wash your hair. Egg will fulfill the nutrition need of your hair and will add an extra bounce to your hair.
Home Made Hair Mask For Shiny Hair:
Due to pollution and harmful chemicals our hair often looses its natural shine. To bring back the natural shine of your hair try this amazing remedy. Take one cup of chopped ripe papaya. Now mash it to prepare the pulp out of it. The quantity of papaya may vary according to the length of your hair. Now mix half cup of pure honey with it. Mix them thoroughly to get a uniform mixture. Apply it on your whole hair and then leave it on your hair for at least half an hour. Wash off the hair mask with Luke warm water. Use the hair mask on your hair at least twice a week for best results.
Remove Your Dandruff With Home Made Hair Mask:
All most every body of us has a common problem of dandruff. You may have used many anti dandruff shampoos or anti dandruff hair products from removing dandruff from your hair. But the main problem is that anti dandruff shampoos often cause harmful chemicals which can cause damage of your hair. Try this effective home made hair mask which really works on the dandruff problem and gives you relief from it.
Take 150 gm of sour curd in a bowl and beat it with a spoon. Now take 1 lemon and squeeze the juice from it. You may use one more lemon juice if it is needed. Now mix it with the sour curd well. Now your hair mask is ready to apply. Apply the hair mask on your scalp and then on your whole hair. Leave the hair mask for 40-45 minutes. Wash off your hair with lots of water. Use this superb home made hair mask in alternate days in accurate dandruff problem for best results.
Reduce Hair Fall With Home Made Hair Mask:
Every body has a common problem complaining about the hair fall. Hair fall can cause due to various reasons like lack of nutrition, dandruff etc. Actually our hair goes weak at their root and thus it falls. Try this excellent hair mask which effectively reduces your hair fall problem. Take 10-12 raw Indian Gooseberry and cut it in to small pieces removing the seeds from it. Now grind the Indian Gooseberries to prepare a pulp out of it. Now mix 4 table spoons of henna powder in it and mix it well. Now apply this hair mask on the scalp and then in your hair. Wash your hair leaving the mask on your hair for one hour. Regular use of this amazing home remedy results in less hair fall in few days.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.