Neuropathy is simply referred to as pain arising out of damage to nerves. Neuropathy in feet is painful condition of feet due to nerve damage in the feet. Common causes of this medical condition are repetitive injury or trauma to feet, consumption of certain drugs and sometimes simply due to idiopathic reasons.
In some cases, this pain can be quite debilitating and may handicap a person for a temporary period. People suffering from diabetes are more prone to Neuropathy in feet. Some other medical conditions like kidney diseases, HIV AIDS, nutritional deficiency, multiple myeloma also cause this problem in many people. Treatment of underlying cause is necessary to alleviate this condition. In most of the cases, doctors recommend nerve relaxers and anti-inflammatory drugs in the interim but these have their own set of side effects when taken over a long period of time. In this feature we will introduce our readers to various ways of relieving themselves of these neuropathic pains of feet.
Natural Treatments For Neuropathy In Feet
Cool And Hot Treatment
The cool contact on the skin can relieve the pain by dulling the pain signals sent by nerves to the brain. There are various ways in which this therapy can be used for feet. Take a frozen bottle of water and roll it under your feet for relief. You may also take an icepack or frozen golf ball and place it under the feet where the pain emanates. Avoid immersing your feet in the cold water because that can cause frost bite. Also in cases of diabetic patients, they must keep away from this remedy if they have any wounds or infection in the feet.
Warmth is known to soothe the pain and inflammation. Take some lukewarm warm water and immerse your feet in a tub. Alternatively, roast some neem leaves until they are crisp. Wrap them up with the help of a crepe bandage or a cotton bandage while they are warm. This therapy is best done in the night before sleep. The persistent and continuous warmth to feet will lend you a good sleep. Also, it will not cause pain when you get up in the morning and begin to walk.
Light Massage
Massaging a painful body part helps in releasing the pain and pent up pressure. However, this remedy is again not to be used if there is an internal injury or wound. Onces you know that it is pure pain due to inflammation or an aftermath of a wound that has healed completely then you can go for massage. Massage is best done as a follow up of warm water dip as it further soothes the relaxed muscles and alleviates the stiffness in the feet around the bone.
You can use warm mustard or coconut or even olive oil for massaging the feet. Going for a pedicure may also help as it includes a warm water dip and massaging. The thorough cleaning routine which is part of pedicure can further help the diabetics from preventing infections that they are vulnerable too. Menthol oil is a also a great alternative for massaging and the nature of this oil is such that a minute’s massage is enough; this is because this oil provides coolness on touch and exudes warmth as it penetrates through the layers of your skin.
Right Diet
Diet is an important part of natural treatments. The first step in to switch to anti-inflammatory diet. Food items that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids are considered anti-inflammatory in nature. Sea cod oil, salmon, mackerel, flax seeds, walnuts, basil, broccoli are some of the easily available food items that are high on omega3 fatty acids. Limit your sugar intake and junk food. Avoid refined flour as they all obstruct the healing process of body. You may also divide your meals in smaller and more number of meals. Snack on nuts whenever hungry.
Vitamin B12 is a necessary compound that should be maintained at optimal levels when you suffer from this condition. Fish, fortified soy products, red meat, cheese and eggs are some examples of vitamin B 12 rich food stuff. If you are diabetic then lipoic acid may be lacking in your body. This acid is required for converting glucose into energy. Lipoic acid repairs the body cells and is also a powerful anti-oxidant. Green vegetables like broccoli, spinach are high on this acid. Animal meat like liver, kidney and heart are non-vegetarian options of food items rich in lipoic acid.
Exercising releases endorphins that are not only “feel good” hormones but also act as pain relievers. But neuropathy in feet can create a lot of problems around exercising. This is why it is important to select your exercise regimen with a lot of care. Select those exercises which do not exert undue pressure on your feet. This is why avoid weight exercises and keep away from carrying any heavy weight even while continuing in your usual daily lives.
Swimming is a great exercise which not only keeps you fit but also does not hurt your feet. Exercise also stimulates a healthy flow of blood especially to peripheral regions of the body. Better blood flow means expeditious healing. However, before getting into an exercise regimen, do consult a physiotherapist who will give you a better idea and suggest various ranges of sitting and standing exercises.
Lifestyle changes
Simple changes in your lifestyle are required when conquering the neuropathy in feet. First step is to avoid alcohol as it reduces the peripheral blood flow. This hinders the body repair and also induces numbness in the extremities. Make sure that your footwear is right for the feet. Never wear thin and flat sandals or footwear as this can increase your pain. Always have a cushion under your feet and heels in your footwear. If you do have some very flat soled shoes then go for insoles, that are easily available in most of the shoe stores. If your pain is occasional and well managed, then you may go for running as an exercise. Make sure you run on a proper dust track or grass instead of concrete.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.