Tonsils are lymphoids located at the back of both sides of our throat. Their primary function is to act as first line of defense against the foreign particles we inhale through mouth and nose. Tonsils get swollen due to repeated contact to colds and flu, breathing in closed room for long or shouting and talking too much.
Tonsils may give trouble while breathing, sore throat, pain and ear problems. Tonsils can get cured on its own. You may require medical consultation, in a few aggravated conditions, but there are several effective herbal remedies to cure this condition. Here are a few herbal treatments chalked out by modern day herbalists to heal the problem. Herbal treatments provide you with the advantage of least or no side-effects.
Effective Best Herbal Remedies For Tonsils
This herb is easily available in health stores in dried and liquid forms. This is an immune-stimulant and can boost lymph drainage. This herb has a rich sulphur component that helps ease tonsil infection. For dosage, either refer to the product instructions or a herbalist.
Chamomile is a very useful herb in reliving tonsillitis. Prepare chamomile tea, which is very easily available at health stores. Chamomile can give a good boost to immune system and give great relief in throat pain against tonsil infection.
Lemon and honey can be added to improvise the taste if you like. Antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, bactericidal and sedative properties in chamomile can actively work on throat infections and shorten the treatment period.
Prepare a thyme infusion by adding ½ teaspoon of thyme in a glass of water. Boil it till it is reduced to half a glass. Thyme has a strong antiseptic thymol content which has a high spectrum of natural anti-biotic. Thyme fortifies lungs and treats colds, coughs and sore throats particularly tonsillitis, laryngitis, and pharyngitis.
Crush 3-4 cloves of garlic and mix it with honey, add a little lukewarm water to this mixture. This needs to be taken 3-4 times in a day for fast relief. Garlic soothes the throat while we sip it down slowly.
Garlic can fight bacterial and viral infections both. Its anti-septic and microbial properties also make it a great combat against tonsil infection. Since it stimulates white blood corpuscles, it is beneficial for immune system.
Take 2-3 drops of oregano oil and rub it at the back of your tongue. You can also dab some cotton in oregano oil and soak the infected area. It feels a bit hot, but can give an instant relief to soreness and pain in tonsillitis. Oil of oregano is a powerful anti-microbial and a potent germicide in treating whatever throatitis you have.
Dandelion extract is very beneficial in treating tonsil problems. Boil an ounce of dandelion root in 3-4 cups water till the water is deducted to half. Consume this brew daily till the symptoms subside.
Tannic acid component found in dandelion is helpful in the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Apart from this Dandelion is a rich source of nutritions like vitamin A, C, D, B-complexes, and minerals like iron, making it potent in keeping up immunity during infections.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.