Sinus is a bone cavity in the upper nose leading into nostrils. At times building up of pressure due to blockage or infection can lead to sinus headache. Sinus headache is different from other headache and the most characteristic feature of sinus headache is its presence right behind the eyes and upper nose. The most common causes of sinus headache include cold, allergies, excessive mucous production leading to blockage and upper respiratory diseases.
Sinus headache is extremely common condition and harmless. Once the passage has been cleared, the pain goes away on its own. It is important to uproot the cause behind this headache instead of popping the pill for temporary relief from the pain. In this write up we will explore various simple natural and very effective treatment for this type of headache.
Natural Treatments For Sinus Headache
Steam Inhalation
Steam inhalation is one of the most ancient remedies for relieving cough, cold and clearing the air passageway. Sinus is also a part of air passageway or respiratory system through which air is inhaled and exhaled. In 90% cases, the blockage due to mucous is the cause behind sinus pain. Inhaling steam can clear it up immediately.
For additional benefit and faster relief, consider adding 2-3 drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil in the water. Both the oils have properties that inflate the size of air passageway immediately. Steam allows for easy movement of mucous out of the sinus cavity. You can use a humidifier or make it right at home. Heat some water in a pan until it starts emitting steam. Cover yourself and the pan under one towel so that the steam does not escape and it rises right on to your nose.
Inhale the steam vapours for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this process as and when you find blockage returning. However, steam therapy should not be done more than twice in a day and should not continued for long time as excessive steam tends to damage the skin by opening the skin pores.
Oil It Up
There are some oils that can provide immense relief and also help in easy breathing in case of sinus headache. Menthol oil and eucalyptus oil are very popular for relieving all kinds of muscular and internal pains. However, one must be careful with the quantity of oil being used at a time. 1-2 drops are enough as these oils are very strong and excessive quantity can lead to burning sensation around the eyes and forehead.
These two oils are also base ingredient of many pain relieving balms and lotions. Take a drop or two and apply it on your forehead avoiding the eyes completely. You will find the oil very cooling but as it penetrates into your skin, it begins to ooze warmth thereby soothing the pain within. Using this treatment especially during the night can lend you a good sleep.
Aroma Therapy
This therapy uses the power of smell to alleviate physical and mental maladies. Aroma Therapy is an upcoming alternate treatment and catching on popularity very fast. You can either use blend of the oil or just a single oil whichever may suit your requirement and provide relief. For headaches, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, mint or menthol seem to be the best choice.
There are multiple ways in which you can use these oils. Direct application as mentioned earlier is one way but the strength of these oils may make your skin sting, besides there is always a risk of allergic reaction. Second option is to add a few drops of these oils into your bath water. Run very hot water on the drops of these oils so that steam rises carrying their vapours.
And then run cold water to balance the water temperature. Take bath or just sit in this water for 10-15 minutes for relief. You may also use the incense sticks made out of these essential oils. Alternatively, there are special lamps which have a slot for these oils. When you light them the heat carries the aroma of these oils around the room. Try this therapy for relief from headache and good sleep.
Yoga involves certain breathing techniques and postures that release pent up pressure in our body and relaxes it. In fact there are some postures that are specifically recommended to people who suffer from frequent headaches and sinus related issues.
Bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana can help in clearing the blockage of the sinus. It involves lifting your entire body in such a way that the weight rests on your feet and head with your hands lying straight and stomach elevated in the air. Uttanasana is another pose prescribed for those suffering from pressure build up in sinus.
This is basically a forward bend asana and needs regular practice. Anlom Vilom is another very simple pose for steadying and smoothening the air flow in the passageway. Yoga Nidra is also very effective for relieving sinus headache. It is a complete relaxation pose which includes meditation and concentration on breathing.
This is an ancient Chinese remedy for alleviating physical and mental maladies. A qualified acupuncturist pricks various micro needles into certain points determined depending on your problem and health issue. This procedure is fairly painless as the needles pricked are very small and hardly noticeable.
Depending on the extent of your sinus blockage, acupuncturist may schedule multiple sessions for alleviating the pain. One session may take anywhere from 45 minutes to an 2 hours. Acupuncture is a great idea in case of chronic sinus headache and cases where the very reason for the headache is not conclusive.
Wash The Blockage
Nasal wash is another traditional Indian remedy which at times is a part of daily routing for some people. This is usually done on empty stomach in the morning. Take some clean drinking water which has temperature hovering between lukewarm and room temperature simply because if the water is hotter than lukewarm it will burn the soft tissue inside the nose immediately on contact. Add half a spoon of unprocessed but clarified salt also known as Kosher salt.
Pour this solution in a vessel which has a medium sized pipe emanating from the container’s body so that you are able to pour this water easily into your nostril. Now bend side wards and pour the water into the nostril which is up and let the water flow out from the other nostril. Repeat the other way around and you will find that the blockage has been completely cleared.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.