Pimples on the mouth and lips are fairly a common problem. They occur due to different kinds of issues like poor eating habits, bad hygiene, etc. What you can do here is work it out if there is some kind of problem or allergy that is triggering off the same or is it some cosmetic product, especially lipsticks.
Here Are 10 Diy Remedies That Can Help You In Getting Rid Of The Pimples Around The Mouth And Lips-
Use Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash
As a rule of thumb, always use a mouthwash for rinsing your mouth. Tea tree oil comprises of antiseptic properties that are known for boosting immunity and gets rid of pimples in the area. Just mix a few drops of tea tree oil with some water and then rinse the mouth using the same. It heals the problem to a great extent..
Apply Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a solution that is edible and hence can be applied with ease on the areas around the mouth and lips. It contains healing properties that fights pimples and prevents them from coming back. Just apply it on the effected areas and let it stay.
Honey And Lemon Juice
Mix together some honey and lemon juice. Then lightly apply this on the area around the lips and mouth. Honey contains antibacterial properties that treats the pimples and further reduces their growth. Don’t rinse immediately.
Coconut Water
A great drink for the body is coconut water, which is also known for curing pimples internally. What you can do here is apply the coconut water after drinking on the lips and mouth. Doing so heals the pimples and prevents them from leaving a mark too.
Apply Lip Balm
You can always find lip balm around the house and it is essential that you keep the area hydrated. Along with healing, lip balm also comprises of nourishing properties that are essential for pimples caused because of dryness.
Rose Water With Glycerin
Apply some rose water and glycerin mixed together. It cures the pimples around the area, without making the same dark. You can also apply it inside the mouth if the pimples are spread to that area.
Clean Area With Mild Soap
Make sure that you are cleaning the area well with mild soap. This is essential because leftover food deposits or not cleaning the mouth properly post meals is known to trigger off the same.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.