Categories: Natural Cure

7 Natural Ways To Treat Laryngitis


Laryngitis is the infection occurs in the lining of the mucous membrane of the vocal cord at the larynx. This is caused due to infection of bacteria and in some cases virus or fungus cause the infection in the upper parts of the larynx due to excessive strain. Acute laryngitis lasts for a few days only, but in the chronic case it lasts more than a weak or even longer. Laryngitis is rarely serious and causes hoarseness in the voice of the patient and sometimes causes loss of speech for a temporary period. Sometimes it becomes very serious and the patient experience dry cough and sore throat. Lots of home remedies along with some of the precautions help the patient to faster the healing process as compared to other methods. They are discussed as below.

Here AreĀ 7 Natural Ways To Treat Laryngitis:


This is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory nature, which can cure the bacterial infection as well as the inflammations. This is used as tea bags and the tea can be used at least 3 times a day for better results. Moreover the dried chamomile can be is mixed with boiling water to form a mixture and that can be gargled thrice a day to reduce the hoarseness of the voice.


This acts as a vital supplement to reduce any kind of infection due to cold or flu. It alleviates the discomfort level of the throat during the swelling phases. It can be consumed as tea or can be used by direct chewing the roots with some amount of black pepper. This process gives cooling effect to the throat of the patient & relieves the pain gradually.


The tea is prepared from this natural herb and must be taken in the evening period to calm down the nervous system as well as the digestive systems. This not only reduces the bacterial infections but also the anxiety level of the patient. In addition to this basil leaves can be mixed to the tea to add cooling effect for the hoarseness of the voice.


Fruit juice of cranberry, controls the chronic level of infections. The antibacterial property interference the adhesion of bacteria to the throat walls; so that they cannot able to spread infections. Hence the patient need to drink at least 500 ml of juice two times every day to get optimum results in case of laryngitis.


It is best for the treatment of fungal and bacterial infections in the body. It is also called as a natural antibiotic. To reduce the level of the infection, the patient needs to crush 2 small pieces of garlic and apply it to the surface of the throat to get relief. This process should be repeated every 4 to 5 hour intervals to reduce the sore throat and laryngitis.


These are the very rich source of magnesium and potassium & popularly known as pain and inflammation reliever. Some cherries are mixed with water and then the juice is boiled to prepare syrup. The patient should take at least one glass of this sweet juice on a regular basis to get effective results.


From the research it has been found that Goldenseal contains anti-infective properties such as beta-hydrastine, berberine and canadine. The patient should take 250 mg. Of Goldenseal three times in a day to reduce the sore throat uneasiness. The liquid extract of this plant should be applied externally to the sore throat to reduce laryngitis.

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