The excellent food with high fiber content is chia. Chia seeds contain five to ten percent of mucilloid soluble dietary fiber and ninety to ninety five percent of insoluble dietary fiber. These seeds work wonder in warding off debris from the intestines and helping to detoxify the system naturally. Chia seeds can be consumed by mixing with the water and the some quantity of lemon or lime juice. These seeds can be added to meal in order to enhance its texture and flavor.
Chia seeds are very effective in stimulating weight loss. Chia seeds, when soaked in the water, absorb the water and turn jellylike that make them great for weight loss. The consumption of the chia seeds which are soaked in the water makes you feel full for longer period of time. By doing so, these seeds reduce or discourages cravings and appetite. Thus, they stimulate healthy weight loss (1).
These seeds are very beneficial in regulating the blood sugar levels as well. The high fiber content in chia seeds is very helpful in stabilizing changes in the body. These seeds also work great in improving your response to the insulin (2).
We already mentioned that chia seeds are rich in fiber. And the function of the bowel movements can be regulated with the high intake of fiber rich foods. Experts believe the consumption of twenty five to thirty five grams of fiber per day keeps the issues of constipation at bay. Just 1 ounce of chia seeds contains almost ten grams of dietary fiber about thirty to forty percent of the daily needs (3).
Chia seeds are very effective in maintaining the cardiovascular health as well. Due to this factor, these seeds became the important part of the heart healthy eating. Daily intake of chia seeds reduces the chances of heart issues to a greater extent (4).
These seeds are highly known to be beneficial in promoting the regeneration of tissues and muscles which have been damaged. Balanced amino acids and protein in chia seeds are highly effective in building and maintaining the lean muscle mass (5).
The regular eating of chia seeds works wonders in giving you relief from joint pain as well. Actually, many people prefer giving up physical activity due to their joint pain. But, the good news is that usage of chia seeds over time will greatly eliminate or diminish the joint pain. In order to notice the end to the joint pain, you are suggested to add chia seeds regularly in your diet (6).
The function of the brain can be improved with the help of chia seeds. They contain essential fatty acids which are highly effective in making the cell membranes more efficient and flexible. Essential fatty acids in chia seeds work great in making nutrients more readily available and nerve transmission more capable. In this way, chia seeds help to improve the function of the brain. These seeds are very effective in improving concentration and memory as well (7).
Improvement of the bone health is another great health benefit that a person can obtain from chia seeds. The chia seeds are rich in phosphorus, calcium, protein and magnesium which are highly essential for the health of the bone. With all these nutrients, chia seeds work wonder in improving the bone health (8).
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