An abnormally high heat beat is known as tachycardia and a low heartbeat is known as bradycardia. For either of these conditions, you should take medication as well. This article will discuss some of the best natural cures for cardiac arrhythmias. Do consult a doctor before opting for any of these natural cures.
In order to protect your cardiovascular health, it is important to give up on smoking as well, because nicotine is harmful to your heart. Some decaffeinated drinks often contain a small amount of caffeine, so please be cautious while being offered drinks. Stimulants cause the heart to beat faster. It is best if you adhere to a diet devoid of stimulants, if you want to improve your condition.
Unhealthy fat can create adverse consequences for your heart and even lead to more dangerous heart diseases. Choose to eat a low fat diet and you will experience immediate benefits. Drink skimmed milk and eat low fat curd. Make sure you eat plenty of fiber rich foods such as raw fruits, vegetables and oats. Do not eat items like pastries, cakes, cookies, chips and burgers which are high in calories and full of bad fat.
Learn to limit your salt intake by adding flavor using herbs and natural spices in your soups, dishes and other food items. Experts recommend that you should not exceed 2300 milligrams of sodium in a day, if you want to regulate your heart beat and eliminate cardiac arrhythmias.
Anti-inflammatory foods also include fish oil which has a beneficial effect on you and improves the general health of your heart. Eating a balanced meal is very important and you should eat whole grains such as brown rice and bulgar wheat for good results. Eat sweet potatoes and winter squashes for improving your cardiovascular health. You can also use flax seeds to get your daily dose of omega 3 essential fatty acids if you are vegetarian.
Avoid butter and high fat cheese. Instead, you can use low fat margarine for your dietary needs. Do not use palm kernel oil as this can adversely harm your heart. The oil in which you cook your food must be healthy and nutritious if you want your heart to be fit and normal. Healthy oils can help you to regain regular heart beat and become more toned and strong as well.
As cardiac arrhythmias are caused by elevated stress levels, this herb reduces the tension and brings the heart rate back to normal. Valerian is also a natural sedative. Due to this reason, it can regulate neurotransmitter activity in the brain and relax the mind. It also improves the flow of blood to the brain. This is very effective in countering stress and eliminating cardiac arrhythmias like tachycardia. If adrenalin is pumping through your body, you will experience a faster heart rate or tachycardia. As Valerian helps to soothe and relax the person, it lowers the heart beat and makes a person calmer. Valerian can be used in extract form for best results.
You can take gentle exercise such as walking to begin with. You can gradually move onto complex cardiovascular exercises such as aerobics, running, spinning, cycling and swimming, after consulting your doctor. Make sure you have medical supervision while formulating your exercise plan.
Yoga also lowers stress levels and thus eliminates cardiac arrhythmias. It also benefits the internal organs and increases your stamina and endurance levels. Meditation in the form of chanting and deep breathing exercises can also improve your health.
Meditation increases mental clarity and it also relaxes the body and lessens the strain on the heart. It makes a person more energetic yet relaxed and it helps to counter stress induced irregular heart beat and serious heart diseases as well.
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