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8 Effective Home Remedies For Sleeplessness


It is 2.30am and you are still wide awake in the bed not knowing what to do and waiting to get sleep. It is not the matter of just a day, but has become a routine affair now. Because of lack of sleep at night you feel tired and lethargic the next day. Not only that you get easily frustrated on insignificant things.

Do all these symptoms seem familiar to you? This condition of sleeplessness is known as insomnia in medical terms. Anxiety, depression, inappropriate sleeping environment, overeating…whatever may be the reason, if neglected this sleeping disorder may seriously lead to more complex health issues. Poor sleep can really make one’s life miserable. Instead of taking pills and medicines follow these simple home remedies to overcome sleeplessness and get sound sleep.

8 Best Home Remedies for Sleeplessness

Food Habits

As the sayings goes breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper, it is very true when it comes to how food habits can affect your sleep and overall health.

Take very light meal at night; heavy meal puts stress on the digestive system. Avoid the intake of caffeine, alcohol and chocolate before sleeping. They stimulate your body and mind and caffeine blocks the action of adenosine and reduces its sleep – inducing effect on the brain. Drink plenty of water in the day but not four hours prior to sleep. A glass of hot milk can facilitate good sleep.

Appropriate Sleeping Environment

This may sound unimportant but it affects positively in sleep deprivation. Make the bedroom totally dark. Brain associates light with day time and darkness with sleep. Even the tiniest light can disrupt your internal clock and your pineal gland’s production of melatonin and serotonin.

Let the room be quiet and cool. Scientists say when we sleep the body’s internal temperature drops to its lowest level after four hours of sleep. Therefore, a cooler bedroom is favourable for sleep since it reflects the body’s natural temperature drop. A hot and noisy room definitely makes it harder to sleep.

Hot Bath Before Bed

We now know that drop in the body’s temperature is a signal to the brain to go to sleep. Taking a hot bath before bed is not only refreshing and relaxing after a strenuous day but it also helps in getting a sound sleep. The hot bath raises body temperature and as the body starts cooling down after bath, the brain associates to the low temperature and aids in sound sleep.

If you are not able to manage bath, keep your feet immersed in warm water for some time. It is soothing, relaxing and helps you fall asleep quickly.

Castor Oil

Castor oil has an amazing effect with regard to sleep. Before retiring for the day, apply a drop of castor oil on the eyelashes and a coating on the eyelids. You can even apply it on the scalp. It has cooling and relaxing effect on the body leading to a quicker and deeper sleep.

Regular Exercise

Working out and regular exercise can benefit the general health of the body. But exercising around 4 hours prior to sleep can improve night time sleep. According to Harvard Medical School, “Exercise stimulates the body to secrete the stress hormone cortisol, which helps activate the alerting mechanism in the brain”. But avoid exercising within 3 hours of bedtime, which actually can be stimulating.

You can even practice breathing and meditation which will relax your body muscles and release tension bringing your mind under control. These techniques reduce heart rate and blood pressure and release endorphins which help you in falling asleep

Bedtime Routine

Maintain a strict sleeping routine. Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. It may be difficult initially, but following this sleep schedule can make your biological clock steady. Over a period of time, with practice your body and mind will sync up to this routine and you will be able to sleep with less difficulty.

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No to Naps

Say no to naps in the day time. They can be insomniac’s worst enemy. If you feel sleepy divert your mind to some other activities and stay awake. Research says short nap of 20 to 30 minutes is passable but unusual long naps will definitely cause trouble in getting a good sleep.

Soothing Music

Listen to soothing music before sleeping. Classical and instrumental can be the best choice.It has been found that listening to soothing music brings a calming and comforting effect due to the release of endorphin which has the effect of muscle relaxer, thus inducing a sound sleep.

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