Tinnitus is a kind of problem where the person experiences ringing sound in the ear. It is a very common issue and almost all people experience once in their life. The ringing sound can be in single or both ears. The sound coming from the ear can be irregular or constant. This particular kind of problem can be due to various types of reasons such as mineral deficiency, earwax blockage, hearing loss, infections in ear and few others. These sounds can hamper the daily activities of a person. Use of some best home remedies can help to cure the problem of Tinnitus. They are very effective and can solve the issue.
Some Of The Best Effective Home Remedies For Tinnitus Are:
Onion is a good home remedy, which can be used to treat the issue of Tinnitus. The juice in onion contains antibacterial as well as medicinal properties. It will help to cure any kind of ear infections. Take some onion and cut it into pieces. Warm the onion and extract the juice from it. Put this juice into the ear with a dropper. Keep it for some time and then drain out the juice.
Basil Leaves
Basil leaves are of good quality that can help to treat the problem of Tinnitus. It contains both medicinal and antibacterial properties. It will thus help to remove the infections that can cause ringing sound. It will also provide relief from pain. Take some basil leaves and make paste of it. Use this paste to extract the juice. Warm the juice and insert it into the ear. Repeat at least twice a day.
Garlic is normally used in kitchen for various types of dishes. It contains high range of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Garlic can thus reduce infection and increase blood circulation. Take some garlic cloves and fry it in sesame oil. Strain it and use this solution to directly put in the ear. Perform this step before going to sleep.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is of great use as it contains antibacterial properties. It will perfectly remove any sort of infections in the ear. Its alkaline nature will maintain the level of pH in the body. Take some apple cider vinegar and mix it with glass of water. Mix some honey to it and drink this particular solution to get best kinds of results. It will thus reduce the ringing sounds in the ear.
Mustard Oil
Mustard oil is very effective in treating the problem of Tinnitus. It is rich in antibacterial as well as antifungal properties. It will cure the infection that give rise to ringing sounds. Take some mustard oil and warm it slightly. Now use this oil to directly pour into the ear. Wait for around 15 minutes and then drain it outside. It will also help to clear the earwax from the ear.
Ginger is very rich in properties, which are necessary to cure the issue of Tinnitus. Ginger will help to remove free radicals and improve blood circulation. It can help in reducing pain caused due to the problem. Take some ginger slices and boil it in a cup of water. Wait for 15 minutes and strain the liquid. Add little honey to it and drink this solution to get best kinds of results.
Pineapple can be used to cure the problem of Tinnitus. It will help to reduce the inflammation and stop ringing sound in the ear. Pineapple contains bromelain that is of great use to cure the problem. People suffering from the problem should make sure to use pineapple regularly to extract the benefits from it. Pineapple juice will also be perfect for best results.
Pumpkin is very rich source of vitamin A. Tinnitus can cause due to deficiency of vitamin A in the body. Thus, intake of pumpkin will help to get rid of the problem. Vitamin A is very important due to various reasons as it helps in proper working of inner ear and cochlea. Make sure to use pumpkin in your regular diet for extracting the benefits from it.
Warm Compress
Warm compress can help to get better results from Tinnitus. It will help to release the pain from the ear and cure the issue. Take one clean towel and apply heat on it. Use this warm towel to apply directly on the ear and the nearby areas. It will thus help to get best results and remove ringing ear problem. It is one of the best and old home remedy to treat the problem of Tinnitus.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.