Urticaria or hives is a condition where the skin gets itchy, and there is burning and painful blisters or welts because of exposure to heat, allergens or irritants. Urticaria results when the level of histamine in the human body rises excessively. Chronic hives is a sign of an autoimmune disorder and requires treatment from the doctor. Urticaria can be treated using certain natural cures as well.
Herbs which can be used to treat this painful skin condition include Chamomile, Aloe Vera, Horsetail, Stinging Nettle, Calendula and Licorice. Urticaria can also be healed by following certain dietary guidelines and using home remedies. In this article, some of the leading natural cures for this skin condition will be discussed. Do consult a doctor as well for this condition.
Top Natural Cures For Urticaria
Cold Compress
Applying cold, wet compress can ease urticaria. You can use clean cotton cloth for making a compress. Take some ice cubes and place them in water. Let the water become icy cool and then dip a cotton cloth into the solution. Rinse it thoroughly and place it on the affected parts of your skin.
Gradually, the itching and the pain will subside. Urticaria induced by heat can also be alleviated using the cold compress which soothes the swelling and reduces the body heat. Cold compress can make the person feel better and soothe the pain effectively.
Antioxidant Rich Fruits And Vegetables
You can also eat fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C to reduce the swelling and ease urticaria.
Fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, grapes, raspberries, cantaloupes, tomatoes, red peppers and green vegetables such as spinach, celery, lettuce, parsley, broccoli and turnip greens can be taken to make the body healthier and stronger as well as ward off this skin condition. Antioxidants also boost immune system functioning and enhance the ability of the body to regain histaminic balance.
Foods High In Probiotics
Foods high in probiotics such as yoghurt, sauerkraut and cottage cheese are very useful for countering urticaria. Acidophilus and other probiotics found in this food are live cultures which are good bacteria and which promote sound digestion and relief from allergens. These foods combat urticaria and reduce the length of the time for which this skin condition occurs.
Hives or urticaria can be treated by eating these foods or combining them in gravies and dishes for gaining beneficial outcomes. Yoghurt is one of the most healthy foods on earth and it can also be applied topically to moisturize the skin and soothe the swelling caused due to hives.
Horsetail is a good herbal remedy for treating urticaria. This herb is also known as Shavegrass. It has been used in China since ancient times for curing cuts, scrapes, bruises, blisters, lesions and other skin conditions. It heals the skin and strengthens the connective tissues which leads to the quick healing of the hives.
Moreover, this herbal remedy also improves the rate at which nutrients such as calcium are digested and absorbed by the human body. This helps to speed up the recovery process for persons suffering from urticaria. You can apply Horsetail tincture or extract after diluting it with some water or oil on the skin. You can also drink Horsetail tea for speedy recovery from hives.
This nervine herb is known botanically as Matricaria Recutita. Chamomile is a natural sedative and a digestive tonic which improves the functioning of the nervous system as well. Chamomile has been used for curing skin conditions such as hives as well.
Chamomile tea can be consumed for healing urticaria. This herb has active ingredients such as tannic acid and anthemic acid which make it effective for curing lesions in persons with urticaria. Chamomile leaves can also be soaked in hot water for about 20 minutes.
Then, a compress can be dipped into the solution and applied on the skin for healing hives. Chamomile is a potent anti-inflammatory and it is also antimicrobial. It is so effective for curing skin conditions that it is used as an ingredient in several cosmetic products.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera contain glycoproteins and polysaccharides which repair the skin and ease the inflammations caused in persons diagnosed with urticaria. Aloe Vera can be used to combat urticaria with ease and efficacy. This herb is not only antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiparasitic and astringent, it is also a potent anti-inflammatory because of which it can be used to treat urticaria.
Aloe Vera can be also be used to heal the irritation and itching caused due to hives. Aloe Vera is an anti-allergen and it can cool and soothe the skin. For this reason, it is also useful for healing urticaria caused due to heat or allergic reactions. Aloe Vera contains B-sisterole which reduces the swelling and blisters caused by hives.
The gel of this herb can be extracted from the plant and applied directly on the skin where the hives has erupted for relief from this condition. You can also rub some Aloe Vera juice on your skin for relief and comfort.
Stinging Nettle
Urtica Dioica is the botanical name of this herb. Stinging Nettle is also called Nettle Leaf. The leaves of this herb contain many medicinal properties. This herb is a potent anti-histamine.
Due to this reason, it is a good natural cure for urticaria. Urticaria or hives is caused when there is a dramatic rise in the level of histamine in the human body due to exposure to allergens. Stinging Nettle in a freeze dried preparation can be used to fend off urticaria. Nettle Leaf tea can also be consumed for getting relief from this condition.
Licorice or Glycyrrhiza Glabra is an immunostimulant herb which boosts the immunity of the body. This makes it particularly effective for warding off the symptoms of hives. You can take Licorice root extract to cure urticaria. Licorice should not be taken as a herbal remedy by people with conditions like edema or high blood pressure.
Anti-coagulant medications like Warfarin also interact with this herb, and you should therefore not use Licorice if you are on such medication. Licorice root is a known herbal cure for many ailments and conditions including urticaria.
Calendula Officinalis is the Latin name of this herb. Calendula is also known as Pot Marigold. This herb is very useful for conditions such as urticaria. Calendula leaves can be soaked in a jar full of Olive oil for 2 to 3 days. Then, this Calendula infused oil can be applied to the parts of your body affected by urticaria for relief from the symptoms such as redness, swelling and itching.
Calendula is so effective in curing skin conditions such as blisters, lesions, wounds, cuts, bruises and scrapes that it is part of several skin care and cosmetic creams, ointments and salves. Calendula is an unbeatable natural cure for urticaria.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.