9 Treatments For Poor Appetite


We need food and proper nourishment in order to allow our body organs to function well. A lack of appetite can result in lesser intake of food, which can cause severe weight loss and a host of other problems. Nutritional deficiencies due to loss of appetite can make your immune system weaker, exposing the body to all sorts of infections and diseases.

A poor appetite could be due to many reasons. A poor digestive system can result in a loss of hunger. Stress, depression and certain medications can affect the appetite of a person quite seriously. Certain health conditions such as, influenza, fatigue and anorexia can lead to severe loss of appetite. Poor eating habits and having snacks in between mealtimes is quite often the reason for lack of appetite in many youngsters.

Sometimes, a poor appetite can be due to a very serious underlying health condition. Whatever is the cause, less intake of food affects the health of a person and makes the body more susceptible to serious infections and diseases due lack of essential vitamins and minerals. So, it is important to try some corrective measures using natural treatments as these help to restore your appetite quite effectively.

Natural Treatments For Poor Appetite


Green foods are very beneficial in stimulating hunger and help improve the digestive system.  Alfalfa has the highest content of chlorophyll, and is an effective natural treatment for poor appetite as it helps to increase appetite and also supplies your body with essential vitamin and minerals that are required for proper functioning of the organs.

You can add alfalfa powder to juices and salads, or sprout some alfalfa and add to salads. Alfalfa tea can be consumed regularly. You can even give a teaspoon of alfalfa tea to your child daily in order to improve the bowel movements and increase appetite. Alfalfa capsules are also available and you can make use of them if you have a poor appetite.


Horseradish is a pungent herb that helps to stimulate appetite and can be used as a natural treatment for people suffering from poor appetite. The roots of horseradish are generally used for medicinal purposes. Even its leaves can be used for increasing appetite.

Extract some juice and give your child a teaspoon of it thrice a day half an hour before every meal. This helps to treat poor appetite in children very effectively as it stimulates gastric juices and makes them feel hungry. It works equally well on adults as well.


Aloe vera

If your poor appetite is the result of a stomach infection, or a disease that has affected your digestive system, aloe vera juice is very beneficial for you. It helps to heal the mucosa, prevent constipation, and treat bowel disorders effectively.

As a result, your appetite is stimulated and you feel hungrier. Take a teaspoon of aloe vera juice daily as a natural treatment for poor appetite and you will be amazed with the results.


Ginger helps to cure indigestion and reduce gastritis, thus improving appetite. It also helps in killing any infections in your stomach due to its strong antimicrobial action. You can add it to your foods while cooking, or shred and add to soups and curries.

To get its best benefits in order to treat poor appetite, grate a fresh ginger root and extract its juice. Add a little lemon juice and black pepper to ginger juice and have on an empty stomach daily. This will improve your appetite considerably well within two weeks of regular intake. You can also have three cups of ginger tea daily in order to cure poor appetite.

Green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and is used widely as a health drink. It can be used effectively in the natural treatment of poor appetite. It is very gentle on your stomach and helps to stimulate appetite.

It also provides your body with many essential vitamins and minerals which your body may be lacking in due to a poor appetite. So, drink a cup of green tea half an hour before every meal. This will increase your appetite and allow you to eat better.


Fenugreek is also a useful natural treatment for poor appetite. Often poor digestion and bloating in the stomach cause a loss in appetite, and in such cases fenugreek is very helpful. It helps to improve digestion and get rid of gas, thus improving appetite significantly.

If you have a poor appetite, you can add fenugreek seeds to your food while cooking, or make a fine powder and have half a teaspoon of it with a little honey every morning.


Peppermint helps to refresh your palate and improves appetite when taken before meal times. So, if you have a poor appetite, just prepare a cup of peppermint tea by boiling a few peppermint leaves in a bowl of water.

Allow it to steep for a few minutes, strain and have a cup of tea three to four times a day. You can also add some sprigs to lemonade and sip on this refreshing drink, if you do not prefer having tea. It works as a very good natural cure for poor


Chinese medicine has used acupressure for ages to treat digestion related problems. It focuses on acupoints in the body, where pressure is applied to stimulate these points. There are three particular points on the abdomen that have been identified as acupoints for improving appetite.

These points have to be pressed in a certain manner in order to stimulate digestion and improve the digestive system so that a better absorption of nutrients takes place. Acupressure can be used as a very effective natural treatment for poor appetite.

Homeopathic Treatment

This is another form of a very effective natural treatment, where homeopathic medicines are used to treat poor appetite. A proper dosage is decided keeping many factors in mind, and regular intake helps to cure the problem from its roots. Different homeopathy remedies are required to be taken according to the source of the problem.

For example, if constipation is the cause of poor appetite, Ignatia 30 is prescribed, and gas is also present then Lycopodium 30 is prescribed. One has to be very careful in the take and have these natural remedies as per a homeopath’s guidance.

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