The best treatment strongly recommended by experts when you have varicose veins is the home treatment, unless the condition is not very severe. The next time when you experience varicose veins, don’t worry too much, and just relax and follow the experts’ recommended home treatment that usually relaxes your veins, eases the symptoms and prevents the progression of varicose veins.
In many cases of varicose veins, home treatment is the only best option rather than any conventional treatment approach. The importance of home remedies can be ascertained from the following established treatment approaches that have been adopted even by the experts of all sorts. Therefore, the best home remedies for varicose veins treatment are given below:
9 Excellent Home Remedies For Varicose Veins
Use Close-fitting Hosiery
Close-fitting hosiery comes in matched pairs to cover the foot and leg and it is called as compression stocking. With compression stockings, you can prevent varicose veins from getting worse as it improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation.
Apply Heat Treatment
When you see that your varicose veins have become swollen and tender and firm then you should do this: raise your legs up and balance them properly, and then apply heat treatment with a heating pad or with a damp cloth gradually for a few minutes. Ensure that your legs are well above your heart and insulate them with a thick cloth to prevent burns. If you feel comfortable, you can repeat this treatment twice daily.
Stretch Legs and Avoid Prolonged StandingÂ
If you are prone to varicose veins or suffering from this problem, then you should ensure that when you stand or sit stretch your legs in-between and try to avoid sitting or standing for long duration as this might worsen your symptoms and could cause lot of discomfort and elevates your problem.
If you happen to stand for long hours, then take some breaks in between by periodically standing and sitting; this will ease your blood circulation and reduces the strain and pressure on your legs’ veins.
As with any other disease, varicose veins can also be kept under check if you make a routine habit of performing some physical activity. Exercise is very good not only for your varicose veins’ problem, but also for your overall health as it improves blood circulation, stimulates the production of feel good hormones and enhances endurance and power and gives much needed stretchability and flexibility to your muscles and strengthens your veins. You can do anything like brisk walking, jogging, running, aerobics or swimming to keep yourself healthy and fit.
Special ExerciseÂ
Apart from regular workouts, there are some very special exercises you can adopt to ease varicose veins symptoms and prevent them from getting worst. Sit on any comfortable surface and elevate your foot and flex it up and down on either side and then move it as if you are moving pedal or pumping something like gas pump.
Repeat this exercise for a few sets and then relax a bit; next, perform ankle circles in both clockwise and anticlockwise rotations. Similarly, kneel down and take weight on your knees and then move your heels back and forth. This exercise would be very effective if performed seriously.
Watch Your Diet, Weight And What You Wear
Excessive weight put additional pressure on your body and causes body aches and also exerts undue pressure on your veins and makes them prone to varicose veins problem. Therefore, avoid fat-rich diet and high salt diet as this retain water and causes veins to swell.
Similarly, avoid tight clothes around your legs and waist because they cause restrictive blood flow in the veins and the veins become varicose veins. High heels put undue pressure on the calf muscles and the veins adjoining them and thus result in varicose veins; therefore, low-heels foot wear is a very good option as it eases pressure and makes the veins and calf muscles less strained.
Avoid Abnormal Sitting PositionsÂ
Abnormal sitting and standing positions may result in varicose veins according to experts. Therefore, next time when you sit ensure that you sit in a proper position without any crossing over of your legs as this may hinder proper blood circulation and similarly when you stand make sure that your position is appropriate.
Use Castor OilÂ
Castor oil massage is a very effective home remedy for varicose veins especially when it is performed after warm water shower. After warm water bath, wipe the legs and feet and then apply castor oil and massage from feet to cover entire legs.
Use Pain RelieversÂ
When you feel extreme pain that is unable to vanish and making you irritant, then you can use over the counter, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs like paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin thrice daily for a few days until your pain recedes.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.