Sensitive teeth are also known as pangingilo in which one experiences pain for a shorter duration while consuming cold or hot food. It is a condition in which some areas of teeth get affected. It is a very common problem. Some people are sensitive to sour or sweet food while some have sensitivity to drinks. It occurs when the hard layer and soft underlying layer get worn away which ultimately stimulates the inside nerves.
Recession of gums, brushing too hard, using tooth whitening products, decaying of tooth near the gum line, using mouthwash, eating acidic foods, broken teeth etc. are some of the factors that may lead to sensitive teeth. Causes associated with sensitive teeth include gum disease, tooth decay, worn tooth enamel and fractured teeth.
12 Top Natural Cures For Sensitive Teeth
1. Organic Sesame Oil
Organic sesame oil is beneficial for the treatment of sensitive teeth. Swishing two ounces of organic unrefined sesame oil for around two to three minutes during morning and evening is recommended. It gets mixed with saliva and can be used as a gargle.
Massaging the gums with a finger dipped in sesame oil is another method of using sensitive teeth. It has lubricating properties and is rich in antioxidants. Swishing with this oil for a couple of times per week is recommended.
2. Things To Avoid
Those suffering from sensitive teeth should avoid using things that would worsen the conditions. Leaving bad habits would help in preventing loss of enamel as well as preventing tooth decay. Consumption of hard candy and chewing tobacco would damage the teeth. Tobacco is not good for health as it increases sensitivity. One should quit using tobacco as it would protect teeth as well as help in the overall health of patients.
3. Desensitize Toothpaste
Desensitize toothpastes are useful for the patients suffering from sensitive teeth. These toothpastes are helpful in reducing sensitivity. They act by filling the channels in dentin which ultimately reduces the pain associated with sensitive teeth. Covering the sensitive teeth with desensitizing toothpaste before going to bed is beneficial. One should not rinse the toothpaste after applying it.
4. Brushing Habits
Patients of sensitive teeth should not brush too hard. Keeping the teeth free from plaque is helpful for the patients. One should brush at least two times and floss for at least one time on a daily basis. One should always brush after eating. Using a soft bristled toothbrush is recommended. One should carefully brush the teeth to prevent brushing the enamel.
 5. Clove
Clove in powdered form is helpful for the patients suffering from sensitive teeth. It helps in reducing the pain associated with sensitive teeth. Take one fourth teaspoons of clove powder and mix it in three to four drops of water. Mix the powder well in the water to prepare a paste. Application of this paste over the sensitive teeth after taking meal is recommended.
6. Flouride Rinses & Baking Soda
Flouride rinses are useful for the treatment of sensitive teeth. This is a good remedy that can be used at home. These flouride rinses are easily available at the health stores. These natural treatments are helpful for treating sensitive teeth. But one should always visit the dentist on a regular basis for changes in sensitivity.
Baking soda is helpful for the patients suffering from sensitive teeth. It can be used to prepare a blend. Take baking soda along with prickly ash bark and sea salt. Prepare a blend by mixing all the ingredients. This natural remedy is useful in treating sensitive teeth.
Also Read:
5 Herbs For Sensitive Teeth
8 Effective Natural Treatments For Sensitive Teeth
6 Remedies For Sensitive Teeth
7. Avoid Too Much Mouthwash
Using too much mouthwash would not be good for the health of patients suffering from sensitive teeth. It contains acids that can worsen the condition of affected teeth. Using mouthwash on a frequent basis throughout the day would increase sensitivity.
8. Vitamin B1 & Calcium
Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamine. This natural remedy helps in reducing pain and tooth sensitivity. Consumption of hundred milligrams of vitamin B1 on a daily basis is recommended. One should better consult with a dentist before consuming it.
Calcium hydroxyapatite is one of the forms of calcium which is helpful for the patients suffering from sensitive teeth. This natural cure helps in restoring tooth enamel and reducing sensitivity.
9. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is helpful for the patients suffering from sensitive teeth. This natural cure is helpful in healing the wounds and burns. It is also used in reducing pain and inflammation in the gums. It is available in the form of gel. Application of this gel on the affected area couple of times on a daily basis is recommended.
10. Chamomile & Thyme
Tea prepared from chamomile herb is useful in the treatment of sensitive teeth. This natural cure helps in reducing inflammation and fighting against the bacteria that cause sensitivity. Consumption of chamomile tea is recommended.
Thyme is beneficial for the patients suffering from sensitive teeth. Consumption of thyme tea on a regular basis is recommended. This natural cure helps in killing the germs and keeping the breathe fresh. It is a good remedy for reducing sensitivity.
11. Myrrh & Cinnamon
Myrrh is effective in the treatment of sensitive teeth. Take around ten drops of myrrh and add them in one glass of water. Gargle it for at least thirty seconds. Using this remedy three times on a daily basis is recommended.
Cinnamon is useful for the patients suffering from sensitive teeth. It can be used along with clove. Take cinnamon along with clove and add it in water. Boil the mixture for around twenty to thirty minutes. This natural cure helps in killing the bacteria inside the mouth and increases sensitivity.
12. Onion & Salt Water
Onion is beneficial for treating sensitive teeth. Chewing onion in raw form for approximately three minutes is helpful in killing the germs inside the mouth. It has been found to be one of the natural cures in treating tooth disorders.
Salt water is useful in the treatment of sensitive teeth. It can be used for gargling purposes. Take one tablespoon of salt and mix it in one glass of water. Gargling this solution during bed time and after taking each meal is recommended.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.