Bird flu or Avian flu is a dangerous form of influenza where the virus is transmitted from birds such as chickens to human beings. An extremely vicious strain of virus called H5N1 caused a bird flu pandemic in so many countries that it was termed a health emergency by organizations such as World Health Organization. A vaccine for the bird flu virus was developed in 2007.
It also responds to medical treatment from newer flu medications. However, herbs and home remedies can also be of great benefit. Immunity boosting antiviral foods can also make a huge difference to the time taken to recover from this disease. This article discusses some of the best natural cures for bird flu.
Excellent Natural Cures For Bird Flu
Vegetables And Fruits
Fruits and vegetables can be of great help for persons infected with avian flu. Vegetables such as spinach, parsley, celery, broccoli, kale, collard and lettuce are rich in folic acid, folate, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients which increase immunity. The capacity of the body to ward off avian flu virus increases when you consume soups, broths, dishes and gravies containing these vegetables.
Citrus fruits such as cherries, oranges, lemons, grapes and grapefruits contain antioxidants which work wonders for immune system functioning. You can drink the fruit’s juices or eat it in raw form or add it to salads. Fruits and vegetables also help to stave off dehydration and boost the body’s capacity to fight the infection.
Adequate Rest
It is important for persons diagnosed with this condition to sleep and rest adequately as well. Adequate rest is important for ensuring that the immunity of the body improves. Resting enough will ensure that the person becomes more active and fit sooner. It also increases the capacity of the body to fight the avian virus and become energetic and strong again.
Resting for sufficient amounts of time and adequate sleep in the night prevents strain on your body and makes you feel comfortable. It also enhances the energy levels and makes a person recover faster.
Astragalus Membranaceus is the botanical name of this herb. Astragalus is a herb which is very effective in boosting the immune system. This herb is a potent antiviral and it is very efficacious in destroying the harmful virus which leads to avian flu in humans. Astragalus root is the most curative part of this herb. You can take a tincture or extract made from the root of this herb for best results.
You can also boil the root in hot water till it simmers for about 20 minutes. Then, you can strain the liquid and consume it for beneficial outcomes. Astragalus root can be shredded and added to dishes and soups and consumed in this manner for strengthening the body against avian flu.
Home Remedies For Bird Flu
Effective And Simple Herbal Remedies For Bird Flu
Echinacea Augustifolia or Purple Cone Flower is also an antiviral herb. Echinacea is also an immunostimulant herb which strengthens the body and increases its capacity to ward off harmful virus. Echinacea increases the number of white blood cells known as leukocytes in the human body.
As white blood cells are needed to fight the avian flu infection, Echinacea is a useful herb for curing this viral disease. The root of this herb contains strong medicinal properties.
You can take Echinacea root extract or supplements for benefits. You can also make tea using this herbal root for making the person immune to further recurrence or intensification of the symptoms of bird flu. Echinacea is also very good for ensuring speedy and complete recovery from this viral disease.
Neem or Indian Lilac is an antiviral herb with the ability to fend off viral diseases such as avian flu. The botanical name of this herb is Azadirachta Indica. You can take Neem tablets in order to make the person recover from viral flu such as avian influenza.
Neem leaves can also be soaked in hot water for about 2 to 3 hours. Then, it should be applied as a poultice across the forehead for health benefits. The supplements or Ayurveda powders containing this herb can also be taken for curing avian flu.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a natural antiseptic. It is also anti-inflammatory and antiviral. You can drink Aloe Vera juice for warding off the symptoms of avian flu. Aloe Vera contains substances called saponins which kill virus germs that cause avian flu.
Polysaccharides found in this herb increase the activity of leukocytes and improve the immunity of the human body and its ability to fight infectious diseases like bird flu. Emodin is an active ingredient found in Aloe Vera which disables the functioning of many influenza virus. Oral supplements containing Aloe Vera such as gel capsules made from the inner mucilaginous parts of its succulent leaves can also be taken to counter bird flu.
Curcuma Longa is the Latin name by which this herb is also known. Turmeric is a well known anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Curcumin found in this herb gives it the ability to bring down swellings in the body. Bird flu is caused when cytokines which are pro-inflammatory proteins upset the balance in the body by creating inflammatory agents which exacerbate the symptoms of this disease.
Turmeric inhibits the growth of cytokines in the body. It also lowers fever making it an effective herbal cure for bird flu. You can crush the dried root of this herb into a fine powder. Add a spoonful of this powder into a glass of milk or hot water and drink it daily for relief from the symptoms of this viral disease.
Allium Sativum is the botanical name assigned to this herb. Garlic contains substances like allicin, alliin and ajoene which makes it a potent anti-inflammatory and antiviral as well. This herb is also a natural antibiotic. Garlic cloves can be crushed and eaten for getting rid of the symptoms of bird flu.
For those who are unable to bear raw Garlic, there are also Garlic tablets readily available in the market. Garlic can be added to salads and dishes for seasoning as well and taken in this way to ward off bird flu.
High Fiber Diet
Make sure you eat foods which are high in fiber content such as chickpeas, bran and brown rice. Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables as well. A high fiber diet is very important for warding off bird flu virus. Fiber rich foods act as natural magnets for the virus. They attach themselves to the viral germs and flush the disease causing pathogens out of the bodily system.
Fiber also ensures good digestion which is essential for giving nourishment to the body and ensuring that the human body is able to defend itself against the viral disease. Fiber rich foods which are also high in nutrients are doubly beneficial and must be taken to make a person recover faster from bird flu.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.