Hemolytic anemia is a very complicated disease, where the red blood cells of the blood are destroyed much earlier than their usual life-span. Intrinsic hemolytic anemia is an inborn disease; but extrinsic hemolytic anemia is usually transmitted through some types of bacteria, virus or fungus which infect the blood and bone marrow of the body.
The patients normally feel eager to know about some home remedies, apart from the expensive treatment procedures prescribed by their doctors. Hence few easy home remedies are given here, which the patients usually find helpful for improving their conditions.
Best 5 Home Remedies For Hemolytic Anemia
Juices Of Apple And Beetroot
Both apple and beetroot are highly iron-rich fruits, hence intake of equal amount of their juices are greatly effective in increasing the iron level of the body of the patient.
As deficiency of iron is a major cause of low production of red blood cells; consumption of a glass of mixture of these two fruit juices two times per day really helps in curing this deadly disease. As both apple and beetroot also act as antioxidants, their juices boost the immunity power of the patient as well.
Ginger And Dates
One of the old home remedies of hemolytic anemia is to cut small pieces of ginger and dates, then to submerge those pieces in honey within a glass container.
After a week a spoon-full of these honey-soaked pieces of ginger and dates need to be eaten at least two times a day for best possible outcome.
Natural Cures For Hemolytic Anemia
Herbal Remedies For Hemolytic Anemia
Sesame Seeds
The sesame seeds are very good in improving the production of red blood cells in the liver and bone marrow. These seeds are supposed to be soaked in plain water for minimum two hours before they can be grinded to a paste; then one teaspoon of this paste is to be mixed with honey and consumed two times a day regularly, as this mixture is also active in preventing the early damage of the red blood cells of the body.
Indian Gooseberry For Supplying Iron And Vitamin C
Indian gooseberry, commonly called Amla in India, is a fruit highly rich in iron and vitamin C. Thus half cup of Amla juice is needed to be given to the hemolytic anemia patient daily in the morning; so that vitamin C is able to remove the toxic products from the blood and increase the immunity of the body, while iron improves the rate of manufacturing red blood cells in the body.
Morning Sunlight For Boosting Red Blood Cells Production
The hemolytic anemia patients are advised to enjoy the softly warm sunlight of early morning everyday for at least half an hour, as this practice leads to strengthening the immune system and helps in increasing the production of red blood cells in their bodies. The sunlight also purifies the blood from most of the harmful toxins, thus enriching the body with good health.Hemolytic anemia robs the patient off his normal strength and body power, so these home remedies are considerably beneficial in regaining their lost body power by fighting this dreadful disease.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.