Long and thick hair is the common demand of all people. Women are more cautious about their hair as it helps to enhance their personality. There are huge numbers of reasons that can affect the natural hair. Thinning of hair and balding has become a very common issue in the present day situation. It has thus become very important to know the methods of getting thick hair. Both physical, health and environmental conditions are responsible for poor hair care. People, who are serious for thicker hair, should apply some of the best kinds of home remedies to cure the hair problem and provide nourishment.
Here Are The 10 Home Remedies To Get Thicker Hair Naturally:
Olive Oil
Olive oil is very good for health and hair. It contains many valuable nutrients that are very necessary to get thicker hair. Apply some olive oil on the hair and scalp. Now massage gently in a proper manner in order to soak the oil. Wait for 30 minutes and wash it with mild shampoo. Olive oil along with honey, can also be used in order to get best results.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are of best quality that can help to avoid hair loss. It is also necessary for proper growth of hair and can provide natural shine to it. Take some fenugreek seeds and soak it in water. Keep it for overnight and then make paste of it the next day morning. Apply the paste on the scalp and hair. Wash it after some time and repeat this process once a week.
Eggs are very rich in protein and hence can be used for proper growth of hair. It will also help to get thicker hair in short period of time. Eggs can provide necessary amount of protein on the scalp and hair. Take one egg and whip it properly. Wet the hair and now apply this egg on the entire hair. Wait for 30 minutes and then wash the hair with mild shampoo.
Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry is a very traditional method of getting thicker hair. It has large amount of vitamin C that is very much required to get better hair. It also contains anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties. The antioxidants will help to remove the toxins and provide good hair. Take some Indian gooseberry powder and add it to coconut oil. Heat it and massage the solution on the hair and scalp.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is also effective in providing better hair and is responsible for thicker hair. It contains proper moisturizing property to moisturize the hair and scalp. It will maintain the pH of the scalp and thus avoid any infection. Extract the gel from the aloe Vera and apply it on the scalp. Wait for 30 minutes and then wash it properly. Repeat it every week for better and thick hair.
Flaxseed is very much rich in omega 3 fatty acids that can help to maintain glowing and thicker hair. It is also rich source of protein that can help to grow better and stronger hair. Take some flaxseeds and soak it in water. Keep it for overnight and boil the flaxseed in water for some time. Strain the gel and apply it directly on the hair. It is very effective process to provide desired results.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is very rich source of antioxidants and other valuable properties. It is very well known for its moisturizing properties. Coconut oil contains capric acid and lauric acid. Take some warm coconut oil and massage the scalp and hair for some time. Use a warm towel to cover the head and keep it for some time. Wash the hair with water. Repeat this process for better results.
Honey Remedy
Honey is best for the skin and it can help to prevent various kinds of infections. Hair can become thicker by providing necessary kinds of nutrients to it on time. Prepare a very good home remedy by using honey and coconut oil. Take some honey, coconut oil and dried sage to prepare a solution. Mix all the ingredients and apply it on the hair and scalp. Wash it after some time.
Castor Oil
Castor oil will also help to provide thicker hair. Take some castor oil and apply it on the hair and scalp. Cover the head with warm towel. Now wash the hair with mild shampoo after some time.
Onion is always being used to maintain healthy hair that contains proper moisture. Onion contains sulfur that is perfect to increase blood circulation and open the pores. Take some onion and cut it into pieces. Use these pieces to extract juice from it and apply this juice directly on the scalp and hair. Wait for some time and then wash it with mild shampoo.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.