Also known as piles, hemorrhoids can be of internal and external types. These are more prevalent in children and females but also common in men. These are caused by infections in and around the anal part. Due to infections, the person affected with piles feels burning, itching, huge pain, constipation, bloody stools, difficulty in bowel movement etc. He or she feels lots of pressurize around the rectal area.
The lower part of anus is inflamed and anal canal is usually swollen. This disease may be caused by sitting for long time. Obesity is one of the factors that can further affect the disease and is more risky. So, a proper and balanced diet along with taking hygienic precautions can help in preventing piles. It is an embarrassing situation and the patient should consult the doctor for advice and medication.
There are surgical and fixative methods by which hemorrhoids can be treated medically. But treating the piles naturally is more safe and effective. There are lots of ways piles can be cured naturally.
Natural Curing Hemorrhoids
Healthy Diet
Fiber rich diet is good for persons suffering from hemorroids. To consume fibers, green leafy vegetables, whole grain etc. can be included in diet. Fibers reduce straining and soften stools. Flaxseeds and psyllium are very good options as fiber supplements. Flaxseeds contain omega 3 fatty acids, lignans and fibers of soluble and insoluble type. Taking fruits and vegetables like apples, oranges, papaya, peas, nuts, raisins etc. in diet are good for health especially for those who suffer from piles.
Food cooked in oils including spices and bakery food should be avoided. Juices like apple juice, carrot juice etc. can be healthier to drink. These juices provide roughage and treats piles well. Consuming sun dried mango seeds two times a day help in reducing swelling and pain. Rose apple can be consumed for preventing blood haemorrhoids. One should also avoid using soft drinks, caffeine, tobacco, junk food and alcohol. Salt should be avoided as excess amount of salt in the body retains fluid that is responsible for bulging veins in the circulatory system.
Medicinal Herbs
Witch hazel in gel form can be very effective and soothing. It is helpful in providing relief from inflammation. 1 teaspoonful of aloe vera in liquid form can be taken after meals. Aloe vera gel can be applied on affected area which promotes healing activities.
Aloe vera pieces can be kept under refrigeration after removing the thorns. These pieces can be placed on the affected area due to which burning or itching gets removed. Parsley, buck thorn bark, red grape vine leaves or stone root, collinsonia root are also good for hemorrhoids.
Drinking water is good for recovering from diseases like hemorrhoids as it removes all the toxic substances from the body. Water also helps in stimulating blood circulation. 6-8 glasses of water are recommended for keeping good health. Taking Bath in warm water mixed with eucalyptus oil is very effective.
An ice pack can be applied to the affected area for 10-15 minutes for 5 days. Mineral salts like Epsom salt can be added in bath water that provides relief from pain. Heat from bath water can reduce pressure felt in hemorrhoids.
Apple Vinegar
Applying apple vinegar on the affected area would relieve pain and irritation. Soak cotton pad in vinegar and place over the infected part for 15-20 seconds. It can be done 2-3 times a day for up to one week. A mixture of apple cider vinegar, cayenne and honey in hot distilled water can be consumed before and after the meals. This mixture improves digestion and protects capillaries from tissue damage.
Doing exercise is helpful as it helps in proper circulation of blood. Kegal exercises are beneficial for relieving pain associated with haemorrhoids. Yoga is also a good option other than exercise. Proper blood flow helps in delivering nutrients to all parts of the body including the anal part. One should also maintain a healthy body weight as those who are fat feel immense pressure on the lower part. Healthy weight reduces pressure on the lower rectal veins. Avoid sitting or standing for long. If sitting over chair is required then one can use cushion or rubber ring.
Creams and Natural Medicines
Creams and ointments specific for curing haemorrhoids can be very effective. Anal canal lubricants like petroleum jelly and zinc oxide paste are also useful for bowel movement. Herbal medicines like Avatrol, N2 cream, Hemocyl, Hemaron etc. are effective natural medicines against haemorrhoids. Consuming probiotics can also be good. Take Vitamin E capsules and squeeze it over the affected area for getting relaxed. Natural supplements like organic flax protein and bentonite clay help reducing hemorrhoids symptoms.
Potassium Iodide Solution
20 drops of potassium iodide solution mixed in 1 ounce flaxseed oil is a very beneficial treatment for piles. Soak cotton ball on this solution, apply on the affected area and keep it overnight. By the time one gets up, piles are reduced significantly.
Natural Oils
A combination of olive oil and coconut oil is good for treating piles. It gives relief from pain and itching. Peppermint oil and tea tree oil are also very effective and have therapeutic properties. Peppermint oil can be added in the bath water and can be used for 15 minutes 3 times per day. Tea tree oil can be mixed with olive oil and applied over the infected area. It soothes and reduces the pain.
Wearing cotton garments should be good for the infected skin which would not cause further infections. Cotton fibres help circulating requisite air around the affected area. Also, one should wear loose clothes that provide relief from pain. One should also not wear synthetic fabrics like nylon that trap moisture around the infected area and cause irritation.
Keep the infected part properly clean and dry. Use the toilet paper gently; rubbing it hard can worsen the condition. One can use cleansing agent for this purpose. Use a clean towel for drying after washing gently. It should be done 2-3 times in a day. Soaps containing moisturizer or perfume should not be used.
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Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.