Wrinkles are crease in the skin due to which the skin becomes saggy and loose. It is considered a sign of aging that mutilate skin elasticity. It may occurs due to several reasons such as stress, UV rays, dehydration, improper care, and unbalanced diet.
It is a natural aging process but sometimes it may start appearing at young age. Wrinkle makes your skin more pale and dull that badly affects your beauty and turns your look ugly. There are number of beauty products available in the market that commit to help you out with this problem but all in vain. Most of the people think that its a sign that shows that they are getting older and nothing can help it out but that’s not true. Here we are suggesting you some home based remedy to cure this signs of aging problem.
Effective Home Remedies for Wrinkles
Green or White Tea
Green and white tea can play an important role to treat wrinkles. Those beverages are well known for their antioxidant properties that may help to cure this problem. These teas has the potential to reduce wrinkles and provide you flawless skin. Catechins and epicatechins are the antioxidants available in green and white tea.
Green or white tea keeps you hydrated, which is very beneficial to avoid wrinkles. Make a habit of drinking green or white tea on a regular basis. It also helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin. Prepare a cup of white tea by adding fresh leaves in hot water and steep for 5-10 minutes.
Fish diet is also very beneficial to prevent skin wrinkles. Fish intake helps you to have a glowing and radiant skin. Wild salmon is considered anti-ageing food because it has essential oils that contain anti-inflammatory properties. People having wrinkles on their face should start taking fish in their daily diet.
daily intake of fish may help to improve the skin health as it nourishes your skin cells. Omega-3 fatty acid proves to be quite effective to reduce skin wrinkles. Adequate amount of essential oils and fats are necessary to get rid from wrinkled face. Tuna, sardines, salmon, and herring are some dietary options that consist of nutrients essential for wrinkles.
Olive oil
Olive oil is quite popular due to its overall health benefits. It helps to keep your skin soft and supple. Olive oil is one of the best remedy you can try at your place. It effectively helps to fight against the signs of ageing and also repair the damaged skin cells. It has the ability to deliver the long-lasting protection to your skin and rejuvenates skin cells.
Olive oil is considered a great source of antioxidants that helps to eliminate skin-damaging free radicals. Before going to bed, take few drops of olive oil and gently massage on your face for some time and rinse off with fresh water. Repeat this process on a regular basis for better result.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is another great remedy to get rid from skin wrinkles. Coconut oil contains medicinal effects that would be beneficial for your skin related issues. Coconut oil is often used as an ingredient in various beauty products manufactured to enhance your beauty. Coconut oil effectively works to remove the lines and ageing signs.
You can simply give a massage with coconut oil on a daily basis to cure this problem. Through the regular usage of this method, the wrinkles will lighten and skin elasticity will improve. It also contain antioxidant that contributes in reducing the skin-damaging effects of free radicals.
Most of us are unaware of the fact that honey is also good for removing skin wrinkles. You just need to follow a simple procedure to use honey for anti wrinkles treatment. Wash your face with normal water and then try to open the pores of your face with the help of warm towel or you can also take steam for 5-10 minutes.
This will help your skin to easily absorb the vitamins and minerals available in honey. Then, take 1 teaspoon honey and massage it on your face in a circular motion. By doing this, your skin will get proper nourishment that may help to avoid the occurrence of wrinkles. Leave it and relax for 15-20 minutes before washing your face with fresh water.
Banana contains number of vitamins and mineral that plays a significant role to have healthy skin. Banana can also help you to reduce skin wrinkles as it also contain antioxidants, which effectively benefits for eliminating formation of wrinkles and also lighten ageing lines.
Here is a process to use banana for anti wrinkles treatment. Take 2 bananas to prepare a thick paste and mash it properly to avoid lumps. Wash your face and take steam for 10 minutes to open your facial pores so that the minerals and vitamins in banana can get absorbed in it. After this, take banana paste and massage it in round motion. Repeat this process 2-3 times in a week.
Pineapple provides us lot of skin care benefits and by rubbing the core of pineapple can also save you from wrinkled face. Almost everyone has pineapple in our refrigerator and this may help us to treat wrinkles at our place by making small effort.
Gently massage pineapple core on the affected area and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face with fresh water. This will help to alleviates wrinkle by lightening its appearance. Pineapple also contain enzymes that promotes skin elasticity and remove dead skin cells. You can also include pineapple in your daily diet for best effects.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is another great home remedy for treating skin wrinkles. Take few drops of lemon juice and apply it over the affected areas as this may reduce the appearance of the wrinkles and blemishes and other signs of aging. Repeat this process 2-3 times in a day for better results. This home remedy is quite effective for treating number of skin condition. Or you can also take half sliced lemon and directly apply on your face by rubbing it with soft hands.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.