Unwanted waste when not disposed timely, whether in our environment, house or body is always undesirable. We can move out of a neighborhood, shift our house but what about our body? When bowel movements are difficult or infrequent, toxins get accumulated in our body which gives rise to various other health problems. When you have difficulty in passing stools there are these time tested home remedies from grandma’s kitchen which will come to your aid. Try them out.
Best Home Remedies for Constipation
Perhaps the most important aid to promote normal bowel movements which we take for granted is water. Have sufficient water before sleeping after having an early dinner. Drink warm water immediately upon getting up in the morning, add a dash of lemon juice if required. Sipping warm water periodically throughout the day is preferred by some. Your system will be flushed of toxins wonderfully.
Here we are not talking of strenuous exercises, a simple regular morning walk will do wonders. You may increase your daily physical movements by taking stairs instead of a lift, watering plant etc., the idea is to keep moving. Physical activity stimulates bowel movement.
Yoga has various postures like Pavanmuktasan specially beneficial for cleansing the stomach, you may try them. Sedentary lifestyle weakens the digestive and subsequently the excretory system of the body.
Guava eaten along with its seeds provides the roughage necessary for the proper formation of stools. This fruit contains dietary fiber, vitamins, folic acid and other dietary minerals. It has a high anti-oxidant value too.
Bael Fruit
Eating bael fruit is a very effective remedy for constipation. Eat it whole for maximum benefit before dinner. It cleans and tones up the intestines. Using it for 3-4 months is known to be of help in chronic constipation cases.
Having prune juice or prunes is a quicker relief measure in constipation.The fiber content in them helps in a big way.
The sugar, cellulose, enzymes and organic acids present in grapes make it very useful in constipation. It can be eaten in the form of a fruit or as a juice. Raisins soaked in later overnight can be had along with the water to regulate irregular bowel movement.
Papaya, Pear and Fig
Having papaya for breakfast works wonderfully for regulating motions. Pears and figs have laxative properties too. Figs are one of the best fruit sources of calcium, they help in digestion by cleansing and soothing the intestines.Eating them whole gives the maximum amount of calcium and fiber. These fruits work well in the form of juices also.
A glass of orange juice mixed with olive oil (each ½ a cup) helps to ease constipation problem. Only orange juice taken on an empty stomach the first thing in the morning can also be very beneficial.
Apples contain soluble fiber which forms a protective gel on the wall of the intestine and an insoluble fiber which helps in bowel movement. These fibers together help to relieve constipation. Apple can be taken in the form of a juice,pulp or as a whole fruit. It works gently on the digestive system and does not cause loose motions. Eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away.
Dandelion Root
Tea made by boiling 1 to 2 tablespoons of fresh dandelion roots helps to cure constipation. Consumption of dandelion root stimulates the production of bile, which aids in the relief process.
Properly cooked beans , be it lima beans, kidney beans, pinto beans etc. are excellent sources of fiber. Regular use of them in your diet regulates motion.
Isabgol or Psyllium Seed Husks
Psyllium seeds husks also known as Isabgol in a powdered form is mixed with water and taken to provide relief in constipation. Since isabgol is hygroscopic in nature, it expands, becomes mucilaginous and provides the dietary fibre necessary for bowel regulation.
Brown Rice
This is a good option for people who are not fond of fruits. It absorbs a lot of water and helps in the formation of proper stools.
Fresh and Fibre Rich Food
Replace refined food by fresh foods like green leafy vegetables, pulses and cereals, nuts, clarified butter etc. Increase roughage by having more fibre rich foods. Green leafy vegetables, nuts and whole grains contain the mineral magnesium. Magnesium is needed for intestinal muscle functions and its deficiency is linked with constipation.
Timely Routines of Eating, Sleeping and Motions
Have meals at regular intervals and in a timely manner, taking care to chew food properly. Avoid stress and have sufficient sleep. Keep your body well hydrated , have an adequate intake of liquids and maintain a timely routine of passing motions. If you follow these things you will never have the problem of constipation.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.