Ulcers are small sores in mouth which are usually yellowish in colour. The area around the sore gets red and extremely sensitive. The main problem arises when the ulcer causes difficulties in having food. The spices in your meals may hurt the sensitive skin and cause pain.
Ulcers are caused by nutritional deficiencies, stress, allergies, infections, hormonal imbalance, constipation, etc. Mouth ulcers have various available medications in the form of medicines as well as ointments. But, home remedies would cure the problem deeply and easily.
Best Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers
Salt can be used to recover quickly from mouth ulcers. Add one or two teaspoons of salt in half glass of warm water. Sip some mixture and collect it around the ulcer in your mouth for around 10 seconds. Swish the water inside your mouth to let the salt work upon every part of your mouth. Finally, spit out the solution. Repeat the process until you empty the glass of water. Salt in water would help in cleaning your mouth of all the bacteria and unwanted micro organisms.
Also, it will help in maintaining pH of your mouth, keeping it healthy. A cleaner mouth would easily and sooner recover from ulcers. It will be best if you rinse your mouth with salty water everyday after meals and before going to bed.
Ice works well in numbing sensation. If the ulcer in your mouth is causing alot of pain then you can use some ice to get relieved. Just take a small piece of ice and keep it over the ulcer in your mouth. You’ll feel the pain disappearing. Actually it’s not the pain that disappears, but your ability to sense the pain. Keep the ice working for as long as you can bear. It would also help in reducing the inflammation caused by the ulcer.
Use ice whenever the ulcer pains alot. But, it is not a long term remedy. It would not cure your ulcer, but help in avoiding the pain. If ice is not available, you can have ice candies or drink cold water. Cold water will not help as much as ice, but it will surely make a difference.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is alkaline is nature and neutralizes the acidity in your mouth. Also, the alkalinity makes your mouth unsuitable for those problem causing micro organisms For easy application, you can make a paste of baking soda. Just mix equal amounts of baking soda and water to make a smooth paste. Apply the mixture over all the ulcers. Baking soda would clean up the area by killing bacteria and neutralizing acids. But the procedure may cause severe stinging.
In order to reduce stinging, you can dilute the amount of baking soda. Take half glass of warm water and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Rinse your mouth with this mixture by swishing it around the affected areas. It would still cause stinging over the ulcers,but not very severely. You will definitely feel relieved after the procedure.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera helps in soothing your mouth. It provides relief from the pain caused by ulcers. Take half a glass of aloe vera juice and fill your mouth with it. Allow it to work over the affected areas for around fifteen seconds. Finally, swish it in your mouth and spit it out. Make sure your spit the juice out, do not swallow it! Repeat the swishing till all the juice in glass finishes. Follow the procedure twice a day till you get completely relieved of the problem.
Honey is considered as one of the best remedies for ulcer. It is a complete pool of benefits. Honey has soothing as well as anti bacterial properties. Honey hydrates skin by packing moisture in it, this inhibits bacterial growth. You can simply apply raw honey over ulcers in your mouth.
It would reduce inflammation and soothe your skin. Also, it will cleans the area by killing al the bacteria around affected areas. Honey not only promotes skin healing, but also prevents the problem from re-occurring. Apply honey two to three times in a day till all the ulcers disappear.
Keep Mouth Clean
Maintaining clean mouth is very important, especially if you suffer from oral ulcers. Food particles in mouth increase bacterial activity, causing more bacteria in your mouth which worsen the problem. An easy way is to brush your teeth twice a day. Everyone brushes in the morning! But, you should make a point to brush your teeth at night as well. Also, get in a habit of rinsing your mouth after every meal.
The leftovers in your mouth decay and cause problems in no time. So, it will be better to get rid of them as soon as they deposit. Another important point for a healthy mouth is to floss your teeth. Brushing cleans your teeth and buccal cavity. But, the bristles do not reach at hard-to-access places such as between your teeth. So, it is important to floss in addition to brushing. A cleaner mouth gets easily rid of ulcers.
Glycerin is easily available in market and is an effective remedy for ulcers. Glycerin soothes the skin against irritation caused by ulcers. It also works to reduce the inflammation caused by the ulcers. Majorly, it is antimicrobial. It would kill the bacteria and all other problem causing micro organisms in your mouth. Just take little glycerine over your finger or over a cotton ball and rub it over affected areas. It will soon relieve you from the pain and will work for fast recovery.
Glycerine will cause you to salivate excessively. Make sure not to ingest that glycerin saliva, instead spit it out. Using glycerin will cause you to spit alot, but the results will be remarkable for sure. Use it two or three times a day till you get completely relieved from the problem.
Tea contains tannin which has anti ulcer properties. Tannin is known to be an anti oxidant as well as anti inflammatory. It would work well upon your sore for quick healing and to reduce the swelling. When you prepare tea, just keep aside the tea bags. Allow them to cool a little and then use them over ulcers.
You can keep the tea bag in your mouth and bite lightly so that the tea water that comes out can work over the affected areas. In case you do not like the taste of black tea, go for green tea. Green tea will have similar effects over oral ulcers.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.