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15 Superb Health Benefits Of Comfrey Leaf

Comfrey is a plant indigenous to Europe. The comfrey leaves have been used for centuries for treating various health problems. The medicinal property of comfrey leaves is primarily attributed to its b…

15 Incredible Health Benefits Of Hawthorn

Hawthorn is a member of the rose family. The leaves, flowers and berries of the shrub, indigenous to Europe, are widely used for medicinal purposes by herbalists across Europe. According to scientific…

5 Simple Ways To Avoid Swine Flu

Despite its name, you don’t get swine flu by coming in contact with a pig infected with the virus. The flu caused by the H1N1 virus affects both pigs and humans and it spreads to humans when a human i…

5 Ways To Heal Brain Injuries Naturally

Every year millions of people suffer from brain injuries worldwide. It can disrupt the normal functions of the brain that leads to physical disabilities and cognitive impairment. Even in cases of mild…

5 Simple Ways To Balance Your pH Naturally

The natural pH of the human body is between 7.3 and 7.45. Hence, our body is slightly alkaline. A number of health disorders develop when the natural pH balance of the body is disturbed and it falls b…

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