Anubha Pandey
35 Articles0 Comments

5 Remedies for Breast Lift

Breasts tend to lose their elasticity and start sagging with time and age. In an effort to tighten their sagging breasts many women prefer going under the knife or start using tight push-up bras that …

5 Remedies For Long And Shiny Hair

There isn’t a single woman who doesn’t dream of long, shiny and healthy hair after all hair are considered the crowning glory of a woman. It is little wonder then that dull, thin and limp …

5 Remedies for Acne Spots

Acne is a skin infection that leaves most of the sufferers depressed, stressed and with low self esteem. Most of the acne sufferers are never comfortable in their own skin until the problem is complet…

5 Remedies For Hangover

Hangover is the unpleasant feeling that you develop once you have consumed too much of alcohol. People usually experience the symptoms associated with hangover after a hard night of partying when they…

5 Remedies For Loose Motion

Loose motion, or chronic diarrhea, is frequent passing of watery stools along with mild to severe abdominal cramping. There can be various reasons for loose motions including eating spicy and oily foo…

5 Remedies for Sunburn on Face

Sunburn is a typical symptom of over-exposure of the skin to the sun for long hours. When the skin is exposed to the harmful UV rays of the sun, it turns dark and red because the pigment melanin is un…

5 Remedies For Runny Nose

The medical term for runny nose is rhinorrhea and is characterized by thin and watery discharge of mucus from the nose. A running nose is not a disease but rather a symptom of a condition. It could be…

5 Remedies For Keratosis

Keratosis, also known as keratosis pilaris, is a skin disorder that occurs due to accumulation of the protein keratin in the pores of the skin. This is not a painful condition but results in appearanc…

5 Remedies For Mumps

Mumps is an infection of the salivary glands that are located inside the mouth and are responsible for maintaining a constant level of saliva in the mouth. The saliva helps keep the mouth moist, helps…

5 Remedies for Pink Lips

All women crave for pink pouty lips that will add to their natural beauty. Some of us are born with natural pink color of the lips but due to passage of time the lips lose their pinkness due to many r…

5 Remedies for Breast Reduction

There can be many reasons for large and sagging breasts including pregnancy, breastfeeding, obesity, menopause and hormonal imbalance. And not many women dig the idea of walking around with large brea…

5 Remedies For Hair Loss

In Chinese medicine hair loss is treated as a symptom of a condition that could be caused due to hormone imbalance in the body. Therefore, treating hair loss with herbs in Chinese medicine involves a …

5 Remedies For Acne

Acne is a very common skin infection in our society and is primarily seen in teenagers though adult acne is also reported and treated in some parts of the world. Acne brings with it host of other prob…

5 Remedies For Weight Loss

It is difficult for some people to achieve weight loss simply by exercising and by restricting their calorie intake. Most of us require that extra shove to make weight loss an achievable dream so we r…

7 Herbs for Sleep

A major and common problem facing each one of us today is that of sleeplessness and people world over are affected with the condition regardless of age and sex. The medical term for lack of sleep is i…

8 Useful Herbs For Pain

According to Ayurvedic Medicine there are more than hundred herbs that contain naturally occurring chemicals for providing relief from pain. Some of these herbs are easily found in health stores and c…

8 Herbs For Hair Growth

Many women secretly harbor the wish of having long, thick and flowing mane and of course there are balding men who pine for some hair to make them look and feel younger and confident. For many people …

5 Remedies For Cold Sores

  Cold sores, commonly known as fever blisters, usually occur on the skin surrounding the lips and particularly on the sides of the lips. The sore is caused by a type of herpes virus that stays i…

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