Anubha Pandey
35 Articles0 Comments

9 Remedies For Abortion

Abortion is a painful but at times necessary decision. A woman knows best when she is mentally and emotionally ready to become a mother. Under excruciating circumstances, she may decide to abort her u…

7 Remedies for Sweating

Sweating is a natural mechanism by which the body tends to cool itself down. Sweating is also a natural way of removing the toxins from the body. However, sweating can also cause problems including de…

7 Remedies for Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne is the name given to the type of acne that is a result of hormonal fluctuation or hormonal imbalance in the body. More women than men suffer from hormonal acne. The acne is characterized…

7 Amazing Herbal Remedies For Warts

Warts are a common skin problem and can appear on any part of the body. However, they are mainly found on the skin of the fingers, the elbows and the knees. They can even occur on the face and the sca…

7 Effective Herbs For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common intestinal problem. Many people do not even realize that they are going through acid reflux and term the condition as heart burn. This is because acid reflux causes extreme bur…

9 Remedies for Thinning Hair

Thinning hair and bald patches on the scalp can send anyone into depression. There can be various reasons for thinning hair like inactive thyroid, hormonal imbalance, overuse of chemical products, cos…

8 Remedies for Overactive Bladder

Many people are shy and embarrassed to discuss the problem of overactive bladder with their doctors and health care providers. The problem can cause huge embarrassment if you are working outside or ar…

7 Remedies for Itching

We tend to forget our social etiquette and good mannerisms when it comes to itching. It is true that while scratching the itch makes us feel relieved but it also leads to social embarrassment and soci…

11 Anti-Aging Herbs

Since times immemorial the human race has been searching for the magic potion that can reverse aging. The truth is that so far no such magic potion has been discovered that can prevent aging or revers…

5 Remedies for Lice

Lice are a big problem especially if they occur in children. The entire house needs to be sanitized or there is a strong possibility of a recurrence of lice. Lice can be of two types; head lice and bo…

6 Remedies for Acne Scars

Dealing with acne scars is as depressing as trying to get rid of acne. After fighting battle with acne it is time to begin a new battle with the acne scars. Once the acne goes it can leave behind unsi…

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