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5 Herbal Remedies For Knee Injury

The human body is made up of many complex parts working in perfect unison. However, because of the stresses of daily life, some parts may fail and require to be repaired. A very important part used in…

6 Remedies For Ear Congestion

In its most basic definition an ear congestion is a state of blockage in the ear and may cause pain, moderate difficulty in hearing, tinnitus or a mild sound in the ear, dizziness and also stuffiness.…

Herbal Remedies For Dislocation

Dislocations in joints are injuries that take place in the skeletal framework of bones around the areas of joint which results in injury in ligamentary tissue. These strains are intensely painful and …

6 Remedies For Poor Circulation

Headaches poor circulation is a medical state when blood circulation is insufficient or restricted to specific parts of the human body. Irrespective of gender or age and even during pregnancy, poor ci…

7 Remedies For Birth Control

Herbal remedies have been used since time immemorial. With recent researches in the field of Herbology, quite a number of herbs have been proved to be effective in birth control.…

7 Remedies For Appetite

Appetite in common parlance means the desire to eat or what we normally term as Hunger. Appetite loss may take place because of a number of reasons. The causes of appetite loss can range from stress, …

Home Remedies For Mononucleosis

Mononucleosis is also known as mono, glandular fever, Filatov’s disease or colloquially as kissing disease because it is a viral infection which is contaminated by oral transmission. It is a widesprea…

Home Remedies For Frequent Urination

The problem of frequent urination takes place when the bladder fails to hold urine for a sufficiently long time. If you are going more than eight times for urination, through the day, then you might b…

7 Home Remedies For Hoarseness

Hoarseness is an abnormal condition of the throat where the voice may have changes in pitch and volume. It can very well range from a deep and harsh voice to a weak and raspy voice. It gives a constan…

5 Best Home Remedies For Lumbago

Lower back pain or Lumbago is a very common skeletal disorder that is ailing a lot of people all over the world. The specific cause of lumbago has not been identified yet but the pain can be caused by…

8 Home Remedies For Measles

Measles is an infectious viral disease that can be pretty severe if it is not taken care of properly at the beginning. Measles is an eruptive, contagious illness that mainly attacks the children. It e…

8 Remedies For Removing Tan

A protective layer of skin prevents the human body from coming in direct contact with the foreign objects. Skin performs a number of activities like respiration, excretion, protection etc. Sun plays h…

Home Remedies For Impotence

Impotence or erectile dysfunction as it is called in medical language can be prime cause of a man’s depression and tensed married life. This denotes the improper functioning of male reproductive organ…

7 Home Remedies For Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom tooth is one of the molars and appears between ages sixteen and twenty-five. Wisdom teeth usually affect other teeth because it grows sideways. However, it might actually give you a lot of pain…

5 Remedies For Red Eyelids

The skins of eyelids are very soft and hence very susceptible to infection. Often because of dirt, allergies or due to contact dermatitis, you tend to suffer from red eyelids. Contact dermatitis means…

5 Remedies For Breast Infection

A breast infection can occur due to different reasons but the most common cause of breast infection is breastfeeding. The breast infection from breastfeeding is also known as mastitis, which means inf…

5 Herbal Remedies For Red Eyelids

Eyelid problems are common and different types of problems on eye come on due to the development of cysts, inflammation or infection. These problems are more common as people become old. The changes i…

5 Remedies For Razor Burn

Shaving by self will not always be perfectly possible. Sometimes, it might lead to irritation. Due to a little negligence, it can cause cuts as well. During this time, instant cure is very necessary s…

5 Remedies For Oral Cancer

Oral cancer, also called as mouth cancer, is a very common disease these days for men and women due to excessive usage of tobacco, snuffs, cigarettes etc. It primarily affects in and around the inner …

5 Remedies For Fever Blisters

Fever blisters are very common when people usually suffer from fever. These are called as a cold sore. Initially you might have an itching sensation and later on the blisters will be formed. It mainly…

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