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5 Remedies For Breast Lumps

Breast lumps can be cancerous or benign. Benign lumps are usually cyst that occurs due to blocked milk ducts. Breast lumps are round with edges, varying in size, filled with liquid or semi solid matte…

5 Herbal Remedies For Freckles

Freckles is one of the most common problems that greatly affect a person’s skin. This may be caused due to many problems like sunburns, hormonal imbalance, hereditary factors etc. This is actually har…

5 Remedies For Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenail or Onychocryptosis is a common nail disease. It is a painful condition where a nail grows and cuts into one or both sides of the nail bed. Onychocryptosis has been found only to plague…

5 Remedies For Enlarged Heart

Enlarged heart or Cardiomegaly is where the heart enlarges in response to the damage to heart muscle. The heart will pump blood even in its enlarged conditions, but beyond a limit, the enlarged heart …

5 Remedies For Boils On Face

Boils on face are furuncles that are infections of the hair follicles. They look like red, swollen, round bumps and are filled with pus. The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is responsible for boils. B…

Herbal Remedies For Appendix Pain

Appendix pain is the symptom of a major health problem Appendicitis. It occurs due to the blockage of the appendix opening as a consequence of which mucus begins to fill in which leads to inflammation…

5 Remedies For Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprain is a very common ailment and it can be mild or very serious, in which case long-term joint pain can thwart one’s ability to walk for a lifetime. It happens when one makes a rapid sh…

5 Herbal Remedies For Abrasions

An abrasion is a wound that leads to skin damage but it is not deeper more than the outer layer of the skin. This is not a serious kind of wound and causes mild bleeding. Sometimes abrasions are deep …

10 Remedies For Puffy Under Eyes

The problem of puffiness in eyes cannot be ignored as it is one of the cosmetic concerns. It is more common in females than men. Some of the main causes behind puffiness in the eyes are insomnia, wate…

6 Cure For Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches are due to the problem of sinusitis which can be due to any kind of allergies or infections. In sinusitis, inflammation in the cavities of the human face occurs and it gives severe pai…

5 Natural Cure Of Stretch Marks

An immediate rise or fall in body weight, stepping into puberty phase or pregnancy leads to stretching of the outer layer of the skin which leads to visible purple or red stripes on the body parts mai…

5 Herbal Remedies For Staph Infection

A germ known as staphylococcus bacteria that is present on the skin or in the nose leads to staph infections. These germs normally do not lead to any type of major problems but in some cases they brin…

5 Remedies For Colic

Colic is an unexplained excessive crying by a baby that occurs mostly in the first three weeks and can come up anytime during the first three months of the birth of the baby. The initial symptoms of c…

5 Remedies For Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is the increase in the frequency of urine than the normal range.  The amount of urine can be more, less or same than the normal urine. This problem affects the person in day and nig…

5 Remedies For Bursitis

Bursitis is a state of the body in which inflammation of a bursa occurs in your body. They contain a fluid which is known as bursae which gives support to the bones, tendons and the muscles near the j…

7 Remedies for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a cancer that generates from the tissues of the breast. It occurs in the inner walls of the milk ducts or lobules that provide the duct with milk. If the cancer originates in the duct…

5 Remedies For Post Nasal Drip

The presence of glands in the nose lining produces mucus that helps to kill all the bacteria and viruses before they enter into the body and can lead to serious infection. The mucus is not much notice…

5 Remedies For Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a disease which happens when the thyroid gland starts producing excessive amount of thyroid hormones, triodothyronine(T3) and thyroxin(T4) in the blood. This is the reverse of the d…

8 Remedies For Inflammation

Inflammation is the localized reaction on the skin that causes redness, swelling and pain. The inflammation can be external or internal. It is initiated due to any kind of bacterial or fungal infectio…

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