Kasturi Jha
6 Articles0 Comments

8 Remedies For Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is women oriented problem that involves sudden halt of the menstrual cycle. This medical condition is often misunderstood as menopause. This problem can be experienced by both middle aged w…

5 Remedies For Amnesia

Amnesia is the partial or total memory loss. It is often caused due to old age and show different symptoms such as loss of memory of the past of present, tendency to forget the name of the person, age…

5 Cures For Amnesia

Amnesia is a medical condition in which a person suffers from a memory loss. The memory loss could be either partial or complete, which primarily depends upon the cause of amnesia. This condition is u…

5 Herbs For Breast Pain

Breast pain is a common cause of concern for women. Breast pain can occur due to different factors such as hormonal changes during menstruation, menopause and pregnancy. In most of the cases, breast p…

5 Herbs For Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the production of thyroid hormone by thyroid glands is inadequate. This causes a lot of problems such as frequent bouts of fatigue, hair loss, depression, consti…

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