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16 Cure For IBS

IBS stands for irritable bowel syndromes. One in every five individuals in the United States of America is affected with it. As the term is self explanatory, IBS is a condition characterized by irregu…

5 Remedies For Stress Relief

Stress is a very common health condition. Over 33% people in the United States alone are affected with it. It is generally caused by lack of sleep, excessive workload and unfortunate personal circumst…

6 Cure For Dry Eyes

Tears and wetness provide nutrition to your eyes. If your eyes are dry, it is a serious condition and may affect your eye sight and cause other health disorders. Dry eyes simply mean the tear glands a…

7 Cures To Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a condition characterized by constant hissing, ringing or buzzing sensation in the ears. Though it is not itself an ailment, but a symptom that can be caused by an array of health conditio…

7 Cure For Hives

Hives refer to a skin condition, where you can experience sudden outbreaks of clusters of red, itchy and raised welts on your skin. These welts look like tiny goose bumps, but sometimes, they can turn…

6 Remedies For Seasonal Allergies

Itchy watery eyes, wheezing, runny nose and sneezing are some of the most common symptoms of seasonal allergies. Such allergies are usually caused by the pollen in the air, which comes from various sh…

11 Colon Cleansing Herbs

Colon cleansing refers to the process of cleaning out the colons and the intestines. Those who are suffering from diarrhea, constipation and ulcerative colitis usually need it as a part of their treat…

23 Natural Cure For Gas

Gas refers to a condition characterized by excessive passing of gas and belching. It is generally caused due to the inflammation in the stomach lining. Some common symptoms include hiccups, heartburn,…

11 Most Popular Herbs For Energy

When your energy level is low, you fail to concentrate on your tasks and it eventually affects your performance. In fact, it can even lead to depression, anxiety and overstress, which can further caus…

9 Cure For Cataracts

Cataract is one of the most common types of eye disease, which usually affects a person in old age. In this condition, the transparent lens in the eyes turns milky and cloudy, which affects the eyesig…

Top 7 Remedies For Thyroid Problems

Thyroid gland carries an array of chemical and physical processes in the body. For example, it helps in proper growth and development of the entire body, regulates the calcium levels in the bones and …

11 Cures To Edema

Edema is a condition characterized by swelling of the body caused by fluid retention or fluid accumulation in the tissues beneath the skin. The legs and feet are the most common targets.…

6 Herbs For Blood Thinning

Blood thinning herbs are generally used to treat conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart diseases and some forms of cancer. Such herbs slow blood clotting by increasing water cont…

11 Home Remedies For Boils

Boils are skin infections caused by the bacteria called staphylococcus aureus. Some common symptoms include redness and swelling, severe pain (especially pus-filled boils) and itchiness. If several bo…

Natural Cure For Migraine

Migraine is a condition characterized by severe headache, usually on just one part of the head. The condition can be caused due to excessive drinking or smoking, improper sleep, consistent overwork, n…

7 Herbs For Sinus Infections

Sinus infections can be caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses. Common symptoms include sore throat, nasal congestion, sinus congestion, fever, headache and fatigue. The condition usually becomes worse …

Top 11 Cholesterol Lowering Herbs

Your body requires cholesterol in the blood because it acts like steroid and protects cell membrane. But, excessive amount of cholesterol in the body can form plaque in the blood vessels, causing bloc…

Natural Cure For Cough

Cough is not really an ailment, but a symptom that indicates the airways in the throat are not clear. It may be due to some viral infection like flu or because of environmental factors. In general, th…

20 Cures To Acne Scars

Acne often leaves its scars behind. However, if acne gets treated at an early stage, it is less likely to form scars. Though there are many cosmetic creams available to remove acne scars, not all of t…

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