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7 Herbs For Hot Flashes

Hot flashes refer to a condition where you experience a sudden feeling of feverish heat. Women usually suffer from this problem during menopause. Some common symptoms include fatigue, flushed skin and…

8 Cure For Ringworm In Humans

Ringworm is a type of skin infection, characterized by inflammation, pain, swelling and lots of itchiness on the affected areas. Those who have a weak immune system are more likely to develop ringworm…

Top 14 Herbal Remedies For Weight Loss

Excessive body fat can lead to many severe diseases, such as heart attack, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea and others. Dieting and regular exercise are the two main components of a weight loss progr…

Natural Cure For Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a condition, generally characterized by stiffness and pain in the joints, such as ankles, knees and even fingers. In this condition, the inflammation in the soft muscles in the joints mak…

Natural Cure For Baldness

Baldness is an embarrassing condition where your hair begins disappearing, lessening or thinning. Watching lost hair on your hair brush or comb can give you strong mental strain. After all, hair plays…

14 Well Known Lung Cleansing Herbs

The main functions of the lungs include extracting oxygen from air and discharging waste elements (mainly carbon dioxide) from the blood. Congestion or infection in lungs affects this crucial function…

5 Herbs For Migraines

Migraines refer to the condition characterized by severe headache on some specific parts of the head. Sometimes, migraine attacks also cause other symptoms, such as nausea, body pain and fever.…

Natural Cure For Flu

Flu is a viral infection, which is highly contagious. Some common symptoms of flu include chills, aches, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough and fever. Though there are prescription medicines availab…

Natural Cure For Poison Ivy

Poison ivy refers to a condition characterized by severe itching, pain, blisters and swelling on skin. When human skin comes in contact with certain plant toxins (such as, urushiol), it infects the sk…

7 Natural Cure For Hernia

Hernia refers to a condition, where part of an organ protrudes through the muscles between the chest and abdomen. This condition is often characterized by chest pain and heartburn.…

Herbal Remedies For Eczema

Eczema is a type of skin ailment, characterized by itchiness, inflammation and dryness on the affected areas. However, it is important to note that unlike many other skin-diseases, eczema is not conta…

5 Herbs For Sleeping

If you are suffering from sleeping disorders, you must get proper treatment because such problems can lead to other health issues. For example, it can result in heavy mental stress, restlessness, lack…

6 Herbs To Quit Smoking

Smoking is a very common addiction. Around 30% of adult women and over 45% of adult men in America are addicted to it. Smoking can lead to serious diseases and health disorders, such as diabetes, resp…

5 Remedies For Rosacea

Rosacea refers to an inflammatory skin infection, where blood vessels become overly dilated and sensitive on the surface of the facial skin, causing the skin to look red and swollen. In many cases, it…

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