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6 Remedies For Fingernail Fungus

Fingernail fungus is a common problem among adults and occurs when the nail bed is infested with fungi or bacteria. Nail fungus can occur when there are cracks in the nail plate. You can identify nail…

8 Home Remedies For Teething Babies

Babies start teething at the age of 6 months with the bottom front teeth appearing first. Teething for most babies can be a very painful period and can make the babies irritable and prone to swollen g…

6 Remedies For Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is one of the most common skin irritation problems in babies wearing diapers. In most cases, the rash occurs when the diaper is too tight or when a soiled diaper is worn for too long. Anot…

6 Remedies For Burns On Hands

Hand burns are common among individuals who spend quality time in the kitchen. Whether you have burned the hands while cooking or scathed the leg with a hot cup of tea, a burn can be extremely painful…

9 Home Remedies For Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks or panic attacks usually refer to a sudden feeling of tension or fear that can be caused by physical stress or any unidentifiable source. Severe attacks can lead to the person losing c…

Home Remedies For Heat Rash

Excessive exposure to heat can be very destructive for the skin and it can affect infants, children, and adults. Heat rashes can appear when sweat glands get blocked and the sweat seeps into the skin …

8 Home Remedies For Tonsils

Tonsils usually refer to the masses of lymph tissue on either side of the throat and are considered the main defense against any kind of infection. Suffering from an infection in the tonsils can be ex…

Home Remedies For Night Sweats

Night sweats or hot flash is an extremely uncomfortable body reaction that is experienced by a number of menopausal women. Caused by a drop in estrogen level of the patient, night sweats symptoms incl…

8 Top Home Remedies For Indigestion

Also known as dyspepsia, indigestion can be detected through symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, nausea, and belching. The condition is extremely uncomfortable and can be a cause of concern if the c…

7 Remedies For Dry and Damaged Hair

Hair can get damaged due to a number of reasons-such as swimming, over-processing, and weather conditions. In such cases, dry and damaged hair can also lead to excessive hair fall. To counter such hai…

9 Home Remedies For Acne Scar Removal

Acne is a common problem among men and women of all ages. Finding a proper and effective treatment for acne is difficult and what is even more difficult is to treat scars left behind acne. These marks…

9 Home Remedies For Body Odor

Body odor is a common problem that occurs due to excessive sweaty and unhealthy lifestyle. In most cases, people suffering from body odor try to eliminate it with perfumes and body deodorants.…

5 Remedies For White Hair

White hair may be considered a sign for aging; many find it a sign for embarrassment. Of course, there are innumerable over-the-counter chemical colors and dyes that can instantly solve the white hair…

Home Remedies For Asthma Attack

Asthma is one of the most common and serious medical conditions that restricts the breathing process in the patient. In most cases, during an asthma attack the patient is seen gasping for air. The cau…

6 Remedies For Chapped Lips

Chapped lips look bad and can be extremely painful for many. It might start by looking simply dry but then cracks might appear which can make it difficult to eat or even smile. You can treat the chapp…

8 Remedies For Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps refer to the pain that most women experience during their menstruation period. The cramps are mainly caused when chemicals called prostaglandins are released and cause the uterus to c…

Home Remedies For GERD

Acid reflux or heartburn is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems among adults and when you are suffering from it on a weekly basis then you might be suffering from gerd or gastroesophageal…

7 Remedies For Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye known as the conjunctiva. It can be caused by a number of reasons such as an allergy, dust, or an infection. Though the condition ca…

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