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39 Articles0 Comments

6 Remedies For Oily Skin

Oily skin is very difficult to manage and also it is more prone to acne, pimples, blackheads, etc. Owners of oily skin work hard to remove shine from their chin and forehead.…

7 Remedies For Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing is very important for good functioning of our body. Bad bowel movement make the toxins to accumulate in the small intestine and lead to many problems like stomach ache, vomiting, cramp…

7 Remedies For Stomach Pain For Kids

Digestive system for children is very delicate and they usually suffer from stomach pain. Even infants also have stomach pain and they cry a lot during this time. It generally happens due to gas forma…

9 Remedies for Pink Eye

Pink eye is the swelling of the membrane lining of the eyelids. This inflammation is also called as conjunctivitis that can happen due to bacterial or viral attack on the eyes. This is a very painful …

7 Remedies for Weight Loss

Increasing weight is not good for our body as it can lead to obesity if ignored. Weight loss is an important factor for which some people used to join gym, aerobics or start dieting.…

7 Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a common problem which can lead to embarrassment, pain and discoloration of toenail. People usually avoid to go out barefoot or with open sandals. This can happen due to bacterial or…

9 Home Remedies For Skin Rashes

Skin rash can happen due to excessive cold or some bacterial infection. Our skin is very sensitive and need proper care. Skin rashes can cause redness, itching and sometimes it may start bleeding.…

8 Remedies For Warts

Warts can happen due to HPV virus that can affect the skin. Blisters can appear on the skin, which pains a lot. There are about 60 types of warts identifies. These warts can leave a scar while going a…

8 Home Remedies For Cold Sores

Cold sores on lips are generally happen due to a viral attack that appear a small white sore on your external lip. Lips are very delicate, so it is very painful to have cold sores. It happens when you…

7 Remedies For Hair

Hair are very important to enhance our personality. Thick, lustrous and healthy hair are always admired by the people. It is not possible for everyone to go to salon every day for hair treatment rathe…

8 Effective Home Remedies For Shingles

Shingles is caused due to a viral attack that can cause rash or blisters on the skin. Shingles can cause itching or pain in some cases. Shingles pain can be worse in some cases. It generally happens a…

9 Remedies for Vomiting

Vomiting is an unpleasant experience, which can even cause dehydration. Vomiting can have many causes like hangover, pregnancy, food poisoning, overeating, and many more.…

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