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Natural Cures For Fibroids

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors, which are made up of fibrous tissues, and generally occur in women during their reproductive years. They may develop both inside and outside the uterus. It is one of…

7 Remedies For Jock Itch

Jock itch, also known as tinea cruris, is named so because it is mostly seen in sportsmen. It is also known as crotch itch, eczema marginatum and ringworm of the groin. Jock itch is a fungal infection…

6 Remedies For Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer that can develop on areas of skin exposed to sunlight, such as on the face, chest, hand and legs. Though too much of exposure to sunlight is said to be it…

7 Remedies For Chronic Cough

Is a persistent cough bothering you all the time and giving you sleepless nights? A cough is a body’s natural reaction to spill out irritants, but a persistent cough could have many underlying medical…

6 Remedies For Nose Bleeding

The inner nose is one of the more sensitive parts of the body. The small capillaries in the nose lining can get easily ruptured and result in a nose bleed. Dryness in the air is the main cause of nose…

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