smriti singh
12 Articles0 Comments

10 Remedies For Anti Anxiety

What is anxiety? It is a state of the mind when it is unable to rest. Such a anxious mind can never relax and someone who does not rest and experiences constant pressure can never be peaceful.…

10 Remedies For High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure commonly called hypertension in talking terms is a condition of the body where the arterial pressure of blood in the body increases against the arterial walls. It does not sound th…

7 Remedies for Constipation

The state of constipation!! Such an uncomfortable, painful condition, that needs no to be explained. In fact, I think most of us must have gone through an experience of the state of constipation. Keep…

Top 9 Herbal Remedies For Heartburn

The very famous Mayo Clinic defines heartburn as the pain and burning that occurs when stomach acid makes its way back upwards into the esophagus. Heartburn is caused when a valve weakens and the acid…

6 Remedies For Thyroid

Both men and women suffering from hypothyroid or hyperthyroid problems can have mental and physical effects on their bodies. In women, there are cases ranging from problematic pregnancy to menopause. …

10 Herbal Remedies For Strep Throat

Strep throat is an irritating condition, as it causes much pain and discomfort while taking food. This condition also trouble children, disrupt their daily routine and activities, cause laziness and f…

6 Remedies for Sleep

Sleep! It is such an important doze of relaxation to your body; you must have realized it many times. The body recharges itself while we grab a pound of quality sleep .When you have slept well and eno…

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