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6 Herbs For Cancer

Cancer is a deathly condition which is caused by excessive multiplication of cells. Body cells normally multiply in order to grow or to replace the damaged ones. But there may be a condition where cel…

6 Remedies For Asthma

All those who suffer from asthma know how problematic it can get. It leads to difficulty in breathing which requires immediate assistance. Asthma is basically an inflammatory disease of the airway.Inf…

6 Remedies For Itchy Scalp

Do you have an itchy scalp which you scratch now and then? Well, scratching is not the right solution for your problem. Though it would provide temporary relief but the moment you get your nails away …

5 Home Remedies For Nits

If you have head lice then you might have tried all the products to get rid of them, but what about their eggs? Most of the techniques work by suffocating lice and are not affective on louse eggs call…

9 Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain

Every human on this earth suffers from wisdom tooth pain. No one can escape it and nor can you. If you have the pain or have had it earlier then you already realize how intense it may get.…

8 Remedies For Detoxing The Body

Everyone tries to maintain healthy body by eating right things. But everything you eat, drink and breathe does not have good effects over your body. Chemicals in your food, water or environment may ac…

7 Remedies For Burns

Burns are a very common problem with those who work in kitchen. Getting caught by the hot pan, stove fire, spilling hot water, the kitchen burns are uncountable. Same is the case with electric applian…

5 Remedies For Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are usually observed in women. This is because, during pregnancy the skin stretches which leads to collagen breakage. These broken tissues are seen as stretch marks through the upper thi…

5 Home Remedies For Cavities

Cavities are a cause of trapped food which results in small holes in teeth. Food particles usually get trapped between teeth while chewing. If teeth are not cleaned properly, bacteria in mouth ferment…

8 Remedies For Dry Hands

Dry hands may be due to harsh environmental conditions causing your skin to dehydrate. This dehydrated skin leads to irritation and makes your hands dry. In cases where hands get extremely dehydrated,…

Top 9 Remedies To Enhance Eyelash Growth

Eyelashes are protective guards for your eyes. They are extremely sensitive and whenever anything touches your lashes (to enter eyes), the sense causes eyes to close.Eyelashes thus provide protection …

6 Home Remedies For Depression

The scenario where a person cannot find pleasure in enjoyable environment is called depression. It is a mental disorder characterized by bad mood, low self respect and reduced interest in everything. …

7 Remedies For Smelly Feet

Smelly feet is socially unpleasant and often leads to embarrassment. Imagine, sitting with your friends (or colleagues) and you suddenly realize that people are getting uncomfortable with some unpleas…

6 Remedies for Chapped Lips

If you are one of those who keep their make-up boxes filled with lip food just to let them appear perfect, then you fall in the world’s majority.…

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