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Top 5 Home Remedies For Roseola

Roseola is commonly observed condition in children from 6 months to 24 months of age. Also known as roseola infantum is caused by the virus belonging to herpes family, of which, human herpes virus 6 o…

Top 5 Home Remedies For Hemolytic Anemia

Hemolytic anemia is a very complicated disease, where the red blood cells of the blood are destroyed much earlier than their usual life-span. Intrinsic hemolytic anemia is an inborn disease; but extri…

5 Remedies For Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disorder where the bones become weak and it eventually increases the risk of fractures. In advanced stages, the bone density reduces gradually and it causes the bones to collaps…

5 Remedies For Phobias

An irrational fear which an affected person finds difficult to overcome is known as phobia. Too much anxiety and fear are seen in a person affected by phobias. Acrophobia and claustrophobia are the tw…

5 Remedies For ADD

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is mostly common in children. It is also found in adults. It can be hereditary and is said to have grave and long-lasting side effects. There are a few ways to improve…

Top 5 Home Remedies For Atelectasis

The partial or complete collapsing of the lungs caused by the various complications which arise out of respiratory problems is known as Atelectasis. It occurs when the tiny air sacs within the lungs c…

5 Remedies For Appendicitis

Appendicitis is actually the inflammation of the appendix. It is a narrow finger-like pouch which is attached to the large intestine. It is located at the lower right of the abdomen portion. Appendici…

5 Remedies For Rectal Cancer

Cancer which appears in rectum part or in appendix is referred as rectal cancer. Cancer cells in rectal area may cause tumor growth. In most of the cases rectal cancer is due to hereditary reasons. So…

5 Remedies For Teeth And Lip Color

You may be more concerned about retaining your teeth and lip color, as it adds to your beauty. Apart from just beauty, you should provide more attention to hygiene of teeth too. Discoloration of teeth…

5 Remedies For Pyorrhoea

An oral problem which infects the gum tissues is referred as pyorrhoea. In pyorrhoea there may be infection in the bones and ligaments which supports the teeth. If it is not treated properly then it m…

5 Remedies For Night Cramps

The pain that is experienced in the leg muscles, especially during nights is referred as night cramps. The pain may be either in thigh muscles or in calf muscles. Old age people and pregnant women may…

5 Remedies For Nephritis

Nephritis is the term used to denote the condition in which inflammation of kidneys happen. The symptoms generally include fever accompanied by back pain. Passing of urine with blood or scanty urine a…

5 Cures For Trigger Finger

Trigger Finger occurs when the sheath surrounding the tendon of the affected finger gradually narrows down. A relatively lubricating fluid released by tenosynovium helps the tendons to make smooth mov…

5 Cures For Strabismus

Popularly known as cross-eyed or lazy eye, Strabismus is a very common eye problem persisting these days. Strabismus is that kind of problem which can be healed without considerable use of lenses like…

5 Treatments For Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome, commonly referred to as RLS, is a condition where there will be constant twitching and turning movement of leg. This condition may occur due to the pain or uneasiness occurring …

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