Children are a gift of God but sometimes they develop tantrums due to several reasons varying from getting hurt to upset stomach which they are unable to express. Kids are very sensitive and should no…
10 Top Natural Treatments To Dissolve Uric Acid Crystals
When we start consuming food that has very high acidic content it could lead to the formation of Uric Acid Crystals in the body, the reason being that the increased acid intake in the body makes the c…
10 Home Remedies To Strengthen Loose And Shaky Teeth
Shaky and loose teeth are signs of dental problems. It can get worse if not treated in the right time. You can visit a dentist and get the tooth and gum repaired or you try some home remedies to build…
7 Superb Herbal Remedies For Abdominal Fat
Fat has become a very awful word in our fashion world. Everyone is rushing behind to get a flat fat free appealing body. However it is impossible for those who cannot go to gym. We have to consider th…
5 Herbal Remedies For Kidney Pain
Kidneys are one of the most vital organs in the body and acts as an excretory organ. It plays an important role in excretion of toxic substances from the body and retains the useful components. Kidney…
10 Herbs To Improve Digestion
Indigestion can really create chaos in life. Physically, mentally and emotionally, it can make a total mess of your day. If you don’t start your morning with proper bowel movement, you could spend the…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Slippery Elm For Skin, Hair And Health
Ulmus Fulva, also known as Slippery Elm has been used excessively in North America for various health problems. It’s often described as an herbal tree for its amazing effects on skin, hair, gast…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids For Skin, Hair And Health
Omega 3 fatty acids are basically a type of fatty acids and are very useful for our health and overall development. You can easily obtain them by eating various kinds of food both plant based and anim…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes For Babies
Sweet Potatoes are a type of root vegetables and can be safely given as food to babies. The Sweet Potatoes are really liked by babies as they are really very sweet and palatable to eat. Packed with hu…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Quinoa For Skin, Hair And Health
Quinoa is a type of edible seed that comes from the South American regions like Bolivia and Ecuador. Quinoa is very useful for our body as it has a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins which…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Orris Root For Skin Hair And Health
Since ages natural herbs have been working as miracles in curing many ailments and diseases. Our ancestors in prehistoric era used herbs as medicine to cure injuries and pain. So we must remember prio…
5 Top Ways To Prevent Cancer And Heart Disease With Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a common culinary item and could be seen anywhere, be it a restaurant or your home. We can’t even think of eating a sandwich or spaghetti without taking some tomato ketchup. But did you k…
7 Simple Herbal Remedies For High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure also known as hypertension, is a condition in which the blood that flows through our body starts flowing at a higher a higher pressure than it should be. Hypertension is becoming o…
10 Home Remedies For Chigger Bites
Chiggers are red coloured mites that belong to the family of spiders. They usually suck blood from both human beings and animals. They are usually found in woody areas and thick vegetation. Chigger bi…
5 Effective Home Remedies For Winter Skin Care
During winter skin tends to get dry and loses moisturizer. Therefore extra precaution needs to be taken in chilling winter. The common skin problems in winter are dry and chapped skin. Natural ingredi…
15 Benefits Of Jew’s Mallow For Skin, Hair And Health
Jew’s mallow which is also called as Molokhiya is a green leafy vegetable. It is known by various names such as, craincrain, ayoyo, nalta sag, corchorusolitorius, and so on. It is named differently in…
5 Effective Benefits Of Gooseberry Juice For Weight Loss
Proper exercises help you to burn calories and cholesterols. But at the same time without taking proper food you cannot reach a good result in weight loss. Gooseberry juice has many weight losing prop…
13 Most Simple Home Remedies For Oral Thrush
Oral thrush is the creamy white spot that appears on the tongue and cheeks which are painful and bleed on scratching. It is caused due to overgrowth of a fungus, a form of yeast called Candida albican…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Collard Greens For Skin, Hair And Health
Collard green is a green leafy vegetable that belongs to the group of broccoli and cabbage. It is power packed with nutrients and very delicious. It is usually found in Brazil, Portugal and also some …
10 Top Home Remedies For Sunburn Blisters
Blisters are formed due to wide range of reasons. It can be formed due to sunburn that is a common issue nowadays. Excess exposure to sunlight can lead to this kind of problem. The ultraviolet rays pr…