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6 Remedies For Cracking Feet


Cracks in your feet look unattractive and could be painful at times. These worsen during winters when the heels are drier. It is suggested to moisturize your cracked heels with lotions time and again as the heels do not have any natural oil gland and these solely thrive on the moisture you provide from external sources.

Nevertheless, you can make the feet appear smooth and supple by mixing various kitchen ingredients and pampering these with effective home remedies for cracking feet. We present some easy and beneficial home tips which you must try to get rid of troublesome cracks.

Before trying out any of the home remedies for cracking feet always soak your feet in lukewarm water and scrub with a pumice stone. This removes the outer debris and lets the ingredients penetrate faster for quick healing.

Home Remedies For Cracking Feet

Lemon Juice, Rosewater And Glycerin

Few drops of Lemon Juice mixed with Rosewater, Glycerin and a pinch of raw Salt could be added in the water used to soak the feet. Side wise, you can prepare a solution of these herbal ingredients and preserve it in a bottle.

This could be applied at night before going to the bed. Keep in mind to cover your feet with socks while sleeping and wash with water in the next morning. Follow this remedy for nearly one week.

Massage With Coconut Oil/Sesame Oil

Rub your feet intricately after a pedicure using Coconut Oil or Sesame oil. Slather good amount of these oils and massage over all the pain spots. Practice this before going to the bed and leave the oil as it is overnight.

Do put on your socks to prevent the moisture from drying. Wash with water in the morning. This tip if repeated for 3-5 days in a go proves really beneficial to your cracked heels.

Mixed Fruit Pack

If your heel cracks are even more stubborn and intense try healing them by applying a paste of ripe Banana that has turned almost black. Mash the Banana and fill your cracks carefully with it. Leave it for 15-20 minutes, wash and pat dry with a clean towel.

Still if this does not work try a mix of half cut Avocado, half green Coconut pulp and a ripe Banana; you could additionally put some ripe Papaya pulp to this mask. These fruits are flowing with richness of Essential oils, Minerals and Vitamins to nourish and soften your cracked heels.

Paraffin Wax

Prepare an enriching gel by melting Paraffin wax and adding some Mustard or Coconut oil to it. Use this cream throughout the winters at least two to three times in a day. Always cover your feet after using this gel as it could capture dust and germs owing to its sticky and greasy nature.

Olive Oil

Virgin Olive Oil is flooded with various beauty benefits. This is highly moisturizing and makes your skin supple and hydrated in the very first application.

You could also mix some Lavender Oil and Lemon juice to it and apply this solution at night. See the difference yourself and repeat this every alternate day till your heel cracks are healed.

Oatmeal Pack

Soak three tablespoon of Oatmeal in Milk and fill your cracks with it. Leave for half an hour and wash with cold water. Next, pat the heels dry using a soft towel. It is suggested to follow this tip every alternate day for one month during winters to reduce cracking of feet.

These Ayurvedic home remedies for cracking feet are absolutely herbal and incur negligible cost. You can very easily prepare as well as preserve it in your refrigerator. Besides following these remedies, avoid wearing wrong sized sandals and high heels, cover your bare feet with socks, drink lots of water and exfoliate your feet intermittently. These everyday tips keep your heel cracks free at the very first place.

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